From the Chaplain

Last Friday, we had a Primary School chapel service run by Year Four K. The theme was being the Light of the World. Some students made posters about how we can be the light and read out statements that they had written to match.  


This is what they said:


We can be a shining light like Jesus by showing kindness and compassion to others.  For example, when someone falls down and you pick them up or hold a door for someone.  See these are easy ways to help people every day.  Remember to give people an easy smile.  

Maya, Tate and Harry


We can be a shining light like Jesus by encouraging others.  An example of this is when you are in the tent in cross country, and you say to yourself ‘I can do this’ that is great and if you also say this to other people it is even better. 

Olivia and Blake


We can be a shining light like Jesus by doing the right thing.  Some examples are: obey your parents (that is one of God’s commandments), doing what you are told in school, being kind, playing nicely, including others being friendly and helpful. 

Zyana and Savannah


We can be a shining light like Jesus by sharing and using the talents God has given you to help others.  An example of this is helping a friend when they are having difficulties. 

Grace and Stephanie


We can be a shining light like Jesus by telling people about Jesus.  If we tell people about Jesus they can choose to follow in his footsteps because Jesus is the son of God, he forgave sins, he heals people, he died and rose again and he can even calm a storm with his voice.  He was a miracle and he teaches people.  That is why we should follow in his footsteps. 

Gracie, Pippa and Ava


 Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain