From the Principal



In the context of one community, one school, one approach; we have spoken about commitment at school this week.


The act of dedication, engagement, service and individual pursuits.


To be committed to our community is to contribute, to serve others and understand that you are part of something beyond self.


To be committed to our school is to engage in the full life of GSG, take every opportunity and be your personal best. You don't have to be the best, but you must give of your best.


To be committed to the ideals of our approach is to live the school values in everything, be positive, and never give up.


Commitment is a mindset as much as it is your actions. It is a choice we make every day.


If we regularly demonstrate commitment at GSG; we will grow and be better together. 


Go well.


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal


Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him to help you do it, and he will.


Psalm 35:5 Living Bible

Principal's Challenge

I am excited to announce the Principal's Challenge for Term Two.


On Friday 7 June 2024 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, the School Executive, Boarding Houses, and Year Twelve leaders will be planting 450 trees on the campus.  This challenge is part of revitalising the campus and demonstrating our commitment to sustainability. All trees are natives.


The challenge is to put 450 trees in the ground in one hour. For us to meet our goal, we need your help!  I would love to see as many students, staff and families take to their shovels and gloves. A sausage sizzle will be provided.


Should you be able to take part, please click HERE.


Mr Mathew Irving | Principal