School News

Grandparents and Special Friend's Day
Casual Dress Day for World Environment Day and World Oceans Day
On Thursday 6th June we will have a Casual Dress Day.
This will be a combined celebration of World Environment Day and World Oceans Day, to celebrate everything that we do at Beaumaris Primary and in our community to make our world a better place.
We ask for children to please bring along a gold coin donation. Funds raised will go towards our Sustainability and Kitchen Garden projects for the remainder of the year, including our already much loved new chickens.
Students are able to wear casual dress, or they may even like to dress up in line with the theme of the day. If students would like to dress up, they may be inspired by not only our oceans, but everything we do to look after our environment.
Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club Issue 4 is out now. Orders for this issue are due Friday, the 14th June.
Book Club LOOP:
Premiers' Reading Challenge
BPS is participating in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2024!
We strongly encourage students to get involved as the challenge is a fantastic way to develop motivation and enjoyment of reading. The challenge is open now until 6th September.
Students will bring home their login details this week. Please help your child to log in using the following steps:
- Go to the Challenge application.
- Select the School/Student button.
- Select the VPRC login option.
- Enter your username and password.
- Select Login.
Once logged in, the dashboard contains everything you need to complete the challenge including the challenge book list, your child’s target and a tally of books read. Once submitted, books will be verified by school staff.
Please see this link for the PRC Rules
Prep to Year 2 students are challenged to read 30 books and can read independently or with someone. Year 3 to Year 6 students are challenged to read 15 books. Students can read a combination of challenge books and free choice texts.
We would love to see lots of students involved and will be celebrating their progress throughout the challenge.
Happy reading!
New Uniform Item: Soft Shell Jackets!
In response to feedback received from our parent community, we are excited to have an additional optional uniform item available for students to wear.
We now have a Beaumaris Primary School soft shell jacket, which students have the option to wear daily as needed.
This soft shell jacket is now available for purchase from the PSW Cheltenham store.