Challenge. Curiosity. Creativity. Community.

Emily Townend, Head of Health and PE

These words underpin the deep hope we have for student learning in Health, Physical Education (PE) and Outdoor Education. We endeavour to create encouraging, engaging and Christ-centred learning communities, where students are challenged to become curious, self-confident, and reflective - equipped with the essential skills to confidently navigate the ever-changing world they will encounter beyond DCC.  


At DCC, we believe learning happens in a variety of settings, and the best learning often occurs when students are challenged to step outside their comfort zones. It is within trials that character is developed, and meaningful growth occurs. As teachers of Health, PE, and Outdoor Ed, we have the privilege of facilitating unique enrichment opportunities for our students, and journeying alongside them as they navigate obstacles, learn from mistakes, display Kingdom values, and work collaboratively to achieve success. 


The introduction of new and innovative subjects, including Year 8 Game Sense and Year 10 Fitness for Life, has enabled exciting experiences that develop critical and creative thinking for students who are passionate about health, movement, and sport. 


In Year 8 Game Sense, curriculum is focused on tactics and strategies used for successful sporting performance, with the intention of developing creative problem-solving skills to solve movement challenges. Students work collaboratively to devise creative tactics that demonstrate fair competitiveness in alignment with Kingdom values and to successfully achieve outcomes such as maintaining possession, creating scoring opportunities, and defending the goal. Students learn how to critically reflect and are encouraged to take responsibility for their learning in the hope they are motivated to seek continued growth. 


In Year 10 Fitness for Life, students refine and consolidate Kingdom values, including collaboration, humility and integrity through practical activities and workshops. The subject provides students opportunities to critically and creatively design, implement and reflect on individually developed training programs that are aimed at improving personal fitness, athletic goals and honouring the bodies God has given us. Students learn how to use good ‘form’ to minimise risk of injury and gain maximal benefit from each exercise. They then use this to be able to critique and support their peers to keep each other safe in a high-risk environment.  


Outdoor Education provides a unique, highly impactful learning experience for students. Using God's creation as the classroom, students are taught how to best steward His creation and take responsibility for their actions within it. Critical thinking skills developed in other Health and PE subjects are transferred to Outdoor Ed, where they are refined, to assist students successfully tackle new challenges such as map reading, navigation, camp cooking, weather analysis, and decision-making outdoors. 


Students learn activity specific skills such as, rock climbing techniques, which allow them to engage with unique environments that provide moments to connect with God and opportunities to trust in His faithfulness while facing challenging situations. The collaborative nature of Outdoor Education allows students to continue developing teamwork and communication skills that prepare students to thrive in an ever-changing world. 


Challenge. Curiosity. Creativity. Community. 


It is our strong desire that students in Health, PE and Outdoor Education leave DCC as curious and creative learners with robust critical thinking skills that will enable them to use their God-given talents and passions to contribute to the Kingdom of God.