Community In Action!

Tanya Vaughan, Deputy Principal - Head of Primary 

One of the ‘perks’ of being in my role is the times of connection I enjoy across any given day, week or year. Being able to welcome students as they arrive each day is an absolute joy and a moment that ‘fills my bucket up’ as we head into a great day of life and learning in the Primary School. Being able to visit the Primary Camps is another point of connection, and one that provides a glimpse into just how special our learning community really is!


Over the past two weeks, I have seen both the Year 4 and Year 6 students, staff and parent helpers in action at camp. The sun has shone brightly at both, and the experiences have been both fun and challenging – providing our students the chance to dig deep into their resilience tool kits, build their level of independence and strengthen both existing and new friendships as they ‘do life’ together.  


As I reflect on all that I saw, heard and experienced at each of the Primary Camps, it is the strong sense of community that I delight in the most. Seeing staff go above and beyond to give of their time and energy to prepare, facilitate and ultimately care for their students during these times is something very special indeed. 


Seeing parents come alongside to encourage and champion our learners and staff speaks loudly about the shared partnership that we have at DCC. Seeing students exude a culture of kindness and support, whether at the top of the flying fox or as they share a meal together, reminds us of the importance we place on reminding our students that shining Jesus’ love in all circumstances is the best way to live.


Seeing the embrace as tired students come back to school, ready to be greeted by their parents and taken home to the comforts and joys of home completes the picture. How good it is for our students to be stretched and challenged, giving them a deep appreciation for the feeling of belonging and home as they return to home-cooked meals, their own beds and the love of their family.