What's In A Name?

Tim Argall, Executive Principal

Many years ago, I joined a church committee as its newest member. It was one particular lady’s turn to lead devotions that week. She passed around a handout, documenting the names given to our God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - in Scripture. She reminded us that these names of God were used to describe His character, nature, and relationship to us. That’s all she said. Then we spent 20 minutes, each of us individually, going to wherever the Spirit lead us, and reflecting on God’s names, as His people called Him, in Scripture.


I pass on the names and the Scripture references. While I am away this month, I am going to use these as my personal Bible study quiet time material. Maybe you’d like to join me in this. (I’ve done it once before and it was a brilliant experience - full of revelation, it was deeply blessing.)


Abba ~ Father

Mark 14:36Romans 8:15Galatians 4:6


Adonai ~ LORD, Master

Deuteronomy 10:17Psalm 2:4Psalm 8:1Psalm 97:5Psalm 136:3Isaiah 1:24Isaiah 6:1Romans 10:9


Alpha and Omega

Revelation 1:8Revelation 1:11Revelation 21:6Revelation 22:13


Attiyq Youm ~ The Ancient of Days

Daniel 7:9Daniel 7:13Daniel 7:14


Christos ~ The Anointed One

Matthew 1:16Matthew 16:16-20Mark 8:29Luke 2:11Luke 9:20John 1:41Luke 4:42Luke 6:69Luke 7:41-42Luke 11:27Luke 17:3Luke 20:31Acts 2:36Acts 3:18Acts 5:42Acts 8:37Romans 5:8Romans 5:15Romans 6:4Romans 6:23Romans 8:11 Corinthians 1:301 Corinthians 11:32 Corinthians 2:14-15Galatians 2:20-21Galatians 6:14Ephesians 1:5Ephesians 2:5-7Philippians 1:6Philippians 2:5-11Colossians 3:1-41 Thessalonians 5:91 Timothy 1:15-16Hebrews 3:6Hebrews 5:5Hebrews 10:10,  1 Peter 3:181 John 5:6, 20, Revelation 11:15


El Chuwl ~ The God Who Gave You Birth

Isaiah 43:1-3b; Psalm 139:13-18


El Deah ~ God of Knowledge

1 Samuel 2:3Romans 11:33-361 Corinthians 1:18-31


El Elyon ~ The God Most High

Genesis 14:18-20Psalm 61:2; 92:1; Daniel 7:25


El Olam ~ The Everlasting God

Genesis 3:22Genesis 21:33Psalm 90:1-2Psalm 93:2Isaiah 9:6Isaiah 26:4Isaiah 40:28


El Roi ~ The God Who Sees

Genesis 16:13Genesis 16:1-16Psalm 33:18-19


El Shaddai ~ God Almighty

Genesis 17:1-19Genesis 28:3Genesis 35:11Genesis 43:14Genesis 48:3Exodus 6:2-3Ruth 1:20Job 5:17Ezekiel 10:5Psalm 91:1


Elohim ~ The Creator

Genesis 1:1-3Genesis 3:3Isaiah 40:28Isaiah 54:5Psalm 19:1-6Psalm 95:6Nehemiah 9:17Hebrews 1:8Hebrews 11:3


Yahweh ~ The Self-Existent One

Isaiah 40:31 Samuel 1:20Exodus 6:1-4Exodus 3:1-22John 6:35John 8:12John 10:7John 11:25John 14:6


Yahweh-Bore ~ The LORD Creator

Genesis 1:1Psalm 33:6Isaiah 40:28-31Job 38:1-41Job 39:1-30Job 40:1


Yahweh-Nissi ~ The LORD My Banner

Exodus 17:8-15Psalm 23:5:  Exodus 17:15


Yahweh-Raah ~ The LORD My Shepherd

Psalm 23Psalm 80:1Psalm 95:7Isaiah 40:11Jeremiah 31:10Ezekiel 34:12Matthew 25:32John 10:11-27Hebrews 13:20-211 Peter 2:25


Yahweh-Rapha ~ The LORD That Healeth

Exodus 15:262 Chronicles 7:14Psalm 6:2Psalm 41:4, Pslam 103:3Psalm 147:3Isaiah 19:22Jeremiah 3:22Jeremiah 17:14Matthew 8:7Luke 4:18


Yahweh-Shalom ~ The LORD Is Peace

Genesis 49:10Judges 6:23-24Psalm 4:8Psalm 29:11Proverbs 16:7Isaiah 26:32 Thessalonians 3:16


Yahweh-Shammah ~ The LORD is There

Genesis 28:15Ezekiel 48:35Psalm 23:4, Pslam 46:1Psalm 139:7-12Jeremiah 23:23-24Amos 5:14Matthew 18:20,  John 14:16-17Acts 7:48-49, 17:24-28


Yahweh-Tsabbaoth ~ The LORD Of Hosts

Isaiah 6:31 Samuel 1:32 Samuel 6:21 Chronicles 11:9Haggai 1:5Romans 9:29James 5:42 Corinthians 6:18Revelation 1:8


Yahweh-Tsidkenu ~ The LORD Our Righteousness

Genesis 15:6Jeremiah 23:6Psalm 4:1Psalm 5:8Psalm 24:5Psalm 31:1Psalm 36:10,  Matthew 6:33Romans 4:22,  1 Corinthians 1:302 Corinthians 5:21Philippians 3:9Hebrews 12:14 


Yahweh-Yireh ~ The LORD Will Provide

Genesis 22:14Genesis 22:1-18


If you join me in this bible study experience, let me know. I’d love to hear of your experience.




Please note, Viv Stapleton will be Acting Executive Principal in my stead for the month of June 2024.