Teaching and Learning 

Ms Ashley Kuusela - Assistant Principal

Progress IS Achievement


I have been reading a book by organisational psychologist, Adam Grant, called 'Hidden Potential' and it's really got me thinking. Too often society puts all the value on assessment scores, formalised test results and winning. But really, often those measures of achievement are so dependent on where you started in the first place. 


Rather, we need to (or must) place far more emphasis on our young peoples' effort and ability to progress, no matter their starting point. 


Currently, teachers are busily writing Semester Reports, which will be sent home later this term. Whilst I hope that they provide you with an insight into your child's learning and how they are going at school, more so, I hope that they serve as a impetus for meaningful discussion with your child about what they are most proud of, what they have worked hard to achieve, and what they need to do next to move their learning forward. It's not about their level, where a mark is in relation to others, or even the expected standard- it is about the goals, drive, and determination our young people have. This is what will support them to achieve personal excellence. 


Progress is what makes us feel good and after all, learning IS wellbeing. You feel good, you do good.  


In light of this, it always makes me smile to talk with our students about their learning and how they are progressing. Here are just a few to share.  I hope it makes you smile too. 


Zoe T - Foundation G

In your learning, what have you got better at this term? 

I have got better at writing. Before I came to school, I couldn’t write words but now I can write short sentences. 

How does it make you feel? 

Proud and happy, because I know I have done hard work and tried my best. 



Josie R - 3M 

In your learning, what have you got better at this term and how do you know? 

I feel like I have got better at Number Fluency because each time I have got a question wrong, I learn something new. I like practising my multiplication too and I’m getting better each time.

How does it make you feel? 

It makes me feel good to learn new Maths.




Felix G - 6W

In your learning, what have you got better at this term and how do you know? 

I think I have gotten better at my 8 and 9 times tables because during Homework I was able to calculate it easier. 

How does it make you feel? 

It makes me feel more confident with my times tables. I think that it will help me to calculate area in Maths because I am more confident with my times tables. 


On a personal note, it is wonderful to be back at Karoo after returning from maternity leave. I have returned 3 days a week on Monday-Wednesday and it has been great to reunite with Karoo kids and families. Thank you everyone for warmly welcoming me back. My cup is well and truly full. Motherhood is truly awesome and I consider myself very lucky to have the best of both worlds. 


See you about the school, 


Ms Ashley Kuusela 

Assistant Principal 


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