Principal's Report

Principal's Newsletter: Fostering Excellence in Learning and Community Spirit


Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,


As we near the end of another vibrant term here at Kurunjang Secondary College, I am compelled to reinforce the foundation of our educational ethos: a dedication to learning excellence and community cohesion. Our college stands as a shining example of knowledge, where every student is encouraged to reach their fullest potential. 


Teaching and Learning Focus:

At the heart of our college's mission lies a commitment to fostering a culture of learning readiness and active engagement. Remember, your dedication to your studies today paves the way for your success tomorrow. Let us embrace each lesson with enthusiasm and curiosity, for it is through active participation that we truly thrive.


Uniform Etiquette:

I would like to kindly remind our community members of the importance of adhering to our college uniform policy. Wearing the full, correct college uniform is not merely a rule, but a symbol of respect, unity, and safety within our college. Let us proudly display our college identity while ensuring the security of all members.


Congratulations to the Music Learning Area:

I am delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the Music Learning Area and our talented students for their sensational performance at last night's Music Concert. The event highlighted not only exceptional musical ability but also the remarkable dedication and support of our staff members. A big thank you to Mr. Graham, Ms. Zerafa, Mr. Zerafa, Mr. Costa, and Mr. Leonard for their commitment and passion for music. Well done to all involved!


Outstanding Achievement Recognition:

I am thrilled to announce that one of our former VCE students, Giovanna Zurzolo, is set to receive the prestigious Premier's VCE Award for outstanding achievement in Australian history. Giovanna's accomplishment is a testament to her diligence and academic excellence. Let us join together in celebrating her remarkable achievement. Mr Snape, the VCE Australian History teacher, and I, will attend the awards ceremony to celebrate Giovanna's achievement. 


Upcoming Leave:

Lastly, I would to inform you that I will be on leave for three weeks. During my absence, Ms. Melanie Hayward will serve as the Acting College Principal. I have every confidence in Ms. Hayward's leadership abilities and know that she will uphold our college's values with utmost integrity.


In closing, I wish each and every one of you continued success and fulfillment in your academic pursuits. May this term be filled with growth, discovery, and memorable experiences.



Warm regards,


Ms. Aylin Gökmen

College Principal