Grade 4

This term in Level 4, students have been focusing on concepts relating to the geographical location of countries around the world and biomes situated in various regions. Students have created websites to display their information reports, showcasing their Writing skills and knowledge taught in Geography.
"I really liked being creative in using our imagination to make an interesting piece about the biome we have been researching." - Fletcher 4S
"I have really enjoyed everything in Integrated Studies! It was really fun to learn about biomes, animals, and plants - I can't wait to publish our website soon." - Ariyan 4WB
"If someone was to come and read our website, it would be really interesting because it's got a lot of facts about biomes. They would be able to understand very clearly what a biome is." - Keilen 4WB
"I enjoyed making a diorama about my biome and forming the landscape and including the right flora and fauna. It was interesting to learn all about different biomes." - Katie 4S
"When I found out that we would publish our websites to the world, I was really excited to create it with my partner. I can't wait to show my parents!" - Sarah 4WB
"I enjoyed learning about biomes and making a diorama!" - Aleeza 4G
We were very fortunate to have author Lisa Keskinen visit the Level 4 students, teaching them all about the process she used to develop the characters and story for her novel that we have been studying, 'Billy Bobbarooni and the Mystery Words'. Just like Lisa, students have been using their Writer's Notebooks in class to record writing ideas, inspiration, topics, characters, settings, and interesting vocabulary.
"I loved it when Lisa Keskinen came to our classroom and told us all to follow our dreams like she did. I'm really inspired by her and I'm going to follow my dreams like she said to." - Mary 4WB
"I really enjoyed it when Lisa Keskinen read some of her book, 'Billy Bobbarooni and the Mystery Words' out loud to us - it was great to hear it in the author's own voice." - Kirsten 4WB
"I enjoyed learning how Lisa made Billy Bobarooni and hearing about what the next book will be about. It was fun drawing our own story maps just like her." - Oscar 4S
"I enjoyed it when we drew a map to go with our own story. Lisa Keskinen did this when she was writing 'Billy Bobbarooni and the Mystery Words' to help her visualise." - Laith 4WB
"It was interesting to learn that Billy Bobbarooni is written about places in Doncaster and Templestowe. I loved hearing her stories." - Valarie 4S
"I enjoyed when Lisa Keskinen came and read her book to us. It was so fun and I learned a lot!" - Aleeza 4G
"I really enjoyed learning about why Lisa Keskinen wrote 'Billy Bobbarooni and the Mystery Words'. It was super fun!" - Liyanna 4G
"I liked the sites because we could research any biomes we wanted and we put our soul into our work." Naman 4K
"I loved the activities we have done when researching biomes this term, we have had so much fun while learning so many cool facts!" - Elie 4K
"I loved the bit when we made our own map and also when Lisa Keskinen told us how she made the characters" - Jason 4K
" I really like Lisa Keskinen's visit because I think it was really fun! We also got to learn so much more about the book and that was my favourite thing this term!" - Kaya 4K
Next Term, Level 4 is looking forward to some wonderful events for Integrated Studies, which includes an excursion to learn about Indigenous culture, and an incursion to learn about Indigenous perspectives through art.
In Reading, students will be learning about making connections and summarising texts.
In Writing, students will be exploring a range of persuasive devices to convince readers to purchase advertised products and agree with their viewpoints.
In Maths, students will be studying a range of topics, including location, multiplication, division, and measurement.
We look forward to delving into learning in Term 3!