Student Awards

 Aussie Of the Month

Our Aussie of the Month is Georgia M of 4D. Georgia upholds all of our school values of Excellence, Respect, Integrity and Kindness. She consistently offers to help her peers, teachers and community members without hesitation. Georgia approaches her learning with a positive   can-do attitude and always asks for help when she is unsure. She acts fairly towards her peers and always considers the needs of others before herself. This is what makes Georgia a well-deserving POPS Aussie of The Month. Congratulations Georgia!

School Values Awards


Josh T and Charlie A for demonstrating kindness towards younger students.


Bucket Filler Awards

FARemy LBeing kind and caring to his classmates.
FMRoy CBeing enthusiastic with his tasks. 
1KEdith BAlways putting her hand up. 
1MChase LBeing a good friend. 
2DEdie TBeing kind and using her manners. 
2HLottie JBeing really nice and always listening to her teacher. 
2/3QHarvey TAlways having a smile on his face.
3GHadi SAlways being well behaved in class. 
3OEtta BAlways having a gigantic smile on her face. 
4DRyanna JAlways being kind. 
4PMarlee SAlways having a smile on her face.
5ICharlotte AAlways being funny. 
5YAva IBeing kind to everyone.
5/6MJuliette DBeing kind and understanding how her friends feel. 
6DBodhi vAlways helping others. 
6MEden CDoing her best with her work and being kind to her peers.