From the Principal

30 May, 2024

Congratulations to Georgia M for being awarded the Aussie of the Month for May! Georgia truly deserves this recognition, as she exemplifies our school values of Excellence, Kindness, Integrity, and Respect. As an active member of our school community, she consistently seeks opportunities to support her peers, teachers, and the school. We are thrilled to celebrate Georgia as our Aussie of the Month for May!




Kellie from CareNet was our guest speaker at the Aussie of the Month Assembly on Monday. CareNet is dedicated to increasing food accessibility and enhancing the community’s ability to overcome food insecurity.


POPS SRC is proud to partner with CareNet and will once again launch a food drive for families in need. Kellie has requested that our school community donate items suitable for children's lunch boxes, such as rice crackers and snack packs. Details about the food drive will be in the newsletter next week.


National Reconciliation Week began on 27 May 2024 and will continue until 3 June 2024. This year’s theme, "Now More Than Ever," invites us to reflect on and learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements. It’s an opportunity for each of us to explore how we can contribute to reconciliation in Australia. To read about how our classes have recognised National Reconciliation Week, visit the Student Wellbeing page.


Next Wednesday, we will hold online information sessions for the Years 3, 4, and 5/6 Camps. These sessions will cover accommodation, meals, itineraries, activities, supervision and safety, packing lists, and costs. The Webex code to join will be shared via a Compass post next week.


Information session times:

5:30pm: Year 3 Candlebark Farm Camp 

6:00pm: Year 4 Sovereign Hill Camp 

6:30pm: Year 5/6 Canberra Camp

Please inform your child’s teacher if they will not be attending camp, as this affects final costs. We look forward to sharing information about the upcoming camps.



As part of our Emergency Management Plan, we are required to conduct a drill each term, focusing on a different emergency scenario. Last term, we held an evacuation drill to the bottom oval. Today, we conducted a lockdown drill. During a lockdown drill, everyone on site must stay indoors until it is safe to move around the school. Teachers discussed with students the purpose of a lockdown drill and various scenarios when it might occur, such as on a windy day, due to smoke from a nearby building fire, the presence of rogue kangaroos, or upon request from the police. Please take time to debrief with your child/children about the drill.



Just a reminder that enrolment applications are now open and will close by Friday 26 July 2024. We have transitioned to a new digital system, so parents need to create a digital profile before submitting their enrolment application. If you know anyone planning to enrol their preschool child in POPS, please inform them of this new process. For detailed instructions, please refer to the attached file. 



Indigenous Sensory Garden

The construction of the sensory garden is progressing well. Our Foundation students have been fascinated by watching the landscaping take shape. We look forward to the project's completion so everyone can enjoy this wonderful space.




Starting next Monday, painters will begin painting the covered walkway that connects Block A and Block B. The new paint will match the color scheme of the walkway to the Arts Centre. Please note that there will be some disruption to the entrances and exits of the Pettet Centre and Block B breezeway during this time.


Thank you to Saba (mother of Eassa) for baking some delicious treats for our staff. They were greatly appreciated!


Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity



Key Dates:

Tues June 4- Division Cross Country

Wed June 5- Yr 3- 6 Camp Information Sessions (online)

Fri June 7- Curriculum Day (Student Free Day)