Laudato Si'

Indigenous Perspectives, Inspired By Faith & Sustainability News - Miss Natalie Dullard

Sacrament of First Holy Communion - Congratulations Peter, Ruby & Zach!

Congratulations to our amazing First Eucharist candidates: Peter, Ruby & Zac on receiving the Sacrament of First Eucharist yesterday.


We are exceptionally proud of the students and the way they prepared for this very special Sacrament and participated in the Mass. Well done!


Year 6 Community Confirmation Dinner -  Wednesday 5th June, Parish Activity Centre

All Year 6 students and their families are warmly welcome to attend this special evening, regardless of whether the student is making the Sacrament of Confirmation this year or not. The evening is a great reflection of our faith in action with families gathering and sharing a special meal together.

Faith Themes Weeks 7 & 8

Thank you for the donations we have received so far for the Vinnies Winter Appeal; your support is very much appreciated! We are collecting donations of blankets, coats, jackets and warm jumpers throughout June. 

The Western Port St. Vincent de Paul Conference delivers food parcels to people in need in our community and is currently looking for donations of the following:

  • Pasta & Pasta Sauce, 
  • Tinned soup, noodles & cup of soup, 
  • spreads such as Honey, Jam, Vegemite, 
  • Tuna, tinned vegetables and tinned fruit, 
  • toiletries (tooth paste, soaps, tooth brushes), 
  • Long Life Milk, Tea and Coffee.

If you are able to help, please leave your donations at the school office. 

Thank you for your support! Any questions, please contact Miss Dullard

National Reconciliation Week, 27th May to 3rd June 

Last week, we celebrated National Reconciliation Week 'Now More Than Ever' with events on each day for students to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. 


It was wonderful to see so many people wearing the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags for our fundraiser for the Opening The Doors Foundation on Wednesday. With your support we raised $155 for the foundation, thank you!


On Wednesday afternoon, we held our FIRE Carrier Commissioning Ceremony and congratulate our new FIRE Carriers. As FIRE Carriers they will lay strong foundations in our school community to build respect, understanding and knowledge of our shared story that started in this rich land more than 60,000 years ago and continues today. 


Sustainability - Hastings Foreshore Excursion with OzFish 

Last Tuesday our DRI (Dolphin Research Institute) 'i sea i care' ambassadors attended a hands on excursion at the Hastings Foreshore to monitor the mangroves they had planted in February. The students worked with Andy from OzFish to survey the area and found 77 of the mangroves planted earlier in the year were remaining. The excursion is part of a habitat restoration project aimed to revitalise the mangrove forests nestled within Hastings Foreshore.