Denise's Message

Dear Families,
Year 5/6 Camp
Our Year 5/6 children left for camp at Mt Evelyn on Monday and returned to school on Wednesday. From all reports, they had an amazing time enjoying each other's company and taking part in many fun activities. I heard the outdoor laser tag was a real hit!
I thank all the families for entrusting your children to our care. I know your children have created lifelong memories. School Camps allow our children to learn in a new and engaging environment where they are exposed to a range of experiences they would never encounter in their classroom. The experience of spending a few days with their friends, away from their usual routine and support network, allowed them to successfully collaborate with one another.
School camps take a lot of time to organise so I would like to thank the staff who attended and ensured our children were well cared for at all times: Hang Cao, Ezza Ramsay, Nathan Fitzgerald, Claire Mathieson, Sonia Baba, and Angela Flint. I know the parents and children appreciate all you have done. I look forward to hearing the many more stories that will come from the camp.
Staff News
We welcome two new staff to our school. Soledad Musk and Paul Nugent join us as part of our Learning Support Staff. Sol will work across our school on Monday, Tuesday and Friday and Paul will join the Year 5/6 team Monday -Fri. We wish them every happiness and success in their time here at St Michaels and I know you will all make them very welcome.
Evacuation Drill
On Monday, we will have another Emergency Evacuation Drill Practice. This time, we will practice our 'Outside to Inside' drill. We conduct this drill in the event of emergencies such as a serious accident, gas leak, or similar situations that require all children to move inside away from any possible danger.
I ask you to speak to your children about this and remind them that this is a drill and that there is no real danger. We all must take such drills seriously so that if something were to occur, we would be prepared and able to act quickly to ensure everyone's safety.
School Advisory Council Meeting
Our School Advisory Committee will be held on Tuesday 4th June at 7pm. We have some vacant positions on our Council so if you are interested in being a part of the group please contact me.
Feast of the Sacred Heart
Next Friday, June 7, we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart. We celebrate Jesus’ love and compassion for all of us. The purpose of this feast day is to focus our hearts on receiving and returning His love with gratitude. Our children will be attending mass at 9.30am.
Denise Hussey
'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'
Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress
All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school./