Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News

Conference Message Stick
St Mary’s College and St Xavier’s Primary School gathered together to celebrate through stories and prayer, the welcoming of an Aboriginal Message Stick.
The ceremony began with Tammy Wortley sharing a ‘Welcome To Country’ in Gamilaraay language. It followed with Mr Fletcher Wells and Tiah Smalls telling the students why we have the message stick in our community.
The schools hosted CEO Red Chief Aboriginal Lands Council, Troy Ruttley, who presented information and images of the history of an Aboriginal message stick.
Mr Ruttley spoke about the way people communicate today being quite different from the way people communicated in the past. Today we use mobile phones, access the internet, send emails and talk to our friends on social media. Aboriginal Message Sticks were one way first nations people communicated between themselves and their tribal groups.
Message Sticks were passed between different clans and language groups to establish information and send messages.They were often used to invite neighbouring groups to corroborees, initiation ceremonies, right of entry to Country and an invitation to religious rituals.
Sometimes the stick was used as a teaching stick by drawing tribal boundaries. It was also used in sacred ceremonial places and used to track animals throughout the land in the sand. When Aboriginal culture enriches Catholic Education, the Spirit is alive.
This Message Stick tells the story of the Awakening Spirit that is in each and every one of us. The ceremony concluded with a scripture reading, prayers and a song.
Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee - Expression of Interest
Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee
Due to a number of current committee members serving the maximum of three years Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee are calling for expressions of interest (EOI) to fill vacant positions within the committee.
The committee meets once a term to discuss and decide on policies, procedures, and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to enhance their education and promote cultural awareness within our system of schools for a hope-filled future.
Aboriginal Education Committee positions
Subject Matter Expert: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education K-12 - Karen Tighe
School Performance Leader (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Team) - Justin Matthews.
Administration - Judi Wark
Priest - Father Damian Locke
Elders - Aunty Fay Green, Terry Hynch, John Brown - All to continue as Elders
Primary Principal - Alistair Stewart, Donna Fiechtner
Central Principal - Open
Central AP - Cath Downes
Secondary Principal - Open
Primary Focus teacher - Open
Central Focus teacher - Open
Secondary Focus teacher - Sam Kennedy,
Primary AEA - Open
Central AEA - Open
Secondary AEA - Open
If you are interested in being a representative on the Committee, please submit an expression of interest form outlining your skills, aspirations, and vision of Aboriginal education in our Diocese and Cultural knowledge.
Principals EOI form closes - Friday, 17 May 2024
Focus teacher and AEAs EOI form closes Friday, 31 May 2024.
Term 2 - Conference Dance Workshop dates
Schools will be contacted by Subject Matter Expert: & Conference Organisation Officer : James Russell regarding this organisation of this gathering and learning of culture.
Term 2 - Conference Primary Schools Engagement Day
Schools will be contacted by Subject Matter Expert: & Conference Organisation Officer : James Russell regarding this organisation of this gathering and learning of culture.
Term 2 - Conference Student Engagement Day - Barraba
Schools will be contacted by Karen Tighe regarding this gathering.
National Reconciliation Week 27 May - 3 June 2024
Schools are encouraged to start preparing for National Reconciliation Week.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Warraymaylaya Year 10- 12 Culture and Career Pathways Retreat Report 2024
The word Warraymaylaya means “Stand Together” .
That is exactly what our senior students did - through goal setting, resilience and supporting each other as they overcome their fears and set far horizons towards their chosen careers and future and know their sense of belonging in the Armidale Diocese as proud young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
A massive thank you to our extremely wonderful staff for leading and encouraging our students during the week to reflect, respect and to set far horizons for a hope filled future.
2024 Warraymaylaya Year 10 -12 Culture & Career Pathways Retreat Report
Warraymaylaya Maal Dhuwi Year 8-9 Retreat
Schools Principals, Focus Teachers and AEA’s will be contacted in regards to bus schedule and students information packs for the upcoming Warraymaylaya Maal Dhuwi Year 8-9 Retreat at Coffs Harbour during Week 5 - Monday 27th - Friday 31st May 2024.