Specialist Classes

This term in STEM, all the senior students have been working with our newly purchased Lego Education Spike kits. These kits are made up of motors, sensors and hubs; and are used to address a variety of design briefs.
This week, the Grade 5/6 students had to make changes and improvements to an everyday object. In this case, the building challenge was to create a high tech playground focusing on a rocking see-saw. The students then combined their lego build with the online coding app Scratch, to bring their model to life!!!
Student have been fully into their textiles unit in Art lately. F-2 students completed their weaving paper plate handbags and had a fashion parade to show them off and the 3-6 students have been demonstrating their sewing skills by creating lollies out of felt and card with designs sew onto them.
Local Art competition- KCLC
KCLC in Kyabram are giving students the chance to win free tickets to the movie screening of the upcoming movie ‘IF’.
Below are the details. If any students wish to enter we can also arrange for their submissions to be taken over the KCLC before the deadline if needed.
Competition Details:
- Theme: Draw Your Imaginary Friend
- Submission: Students can submit their artwork to KCLC Reception
- Deadline: Competition closes 5pm 15th June 2024
- Announcement of Winners: 18th June 2024
The F-2 students have continued their learning about Il bruco molto affamato (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). They have enjoyed playing a new card game called ‘Tornado’ to assist in their learning of Italian vocabulary. Students have learnt to confidently respond to the question Ti piace?…. (Do you like?). They have also created a lifecycle of a butterfly using different types of pasta and seeds for the four stages:
1. uova-egg
2. bruco-caterpillar
3. crisalide-chrysalis
4. farfalla-butterfly.
Grades 3-6 have also enjoyed playing ‘Tornado’ using vocabulary specific to their learning about L’Aula- the classroom. They are becoming more confident in responding to questions like Dove? (Where is?) in relation to classroom items. Well Done to everyone on a terrific effort in Italian lessons. Bravissimi!
We are very proud at St Patricks of all of the Athletes that have been representing the school. Big congratulations to Zac Wakenshaw for competing in the Division Cross Country in Saint Arnaud coming 34th!
We are also very proud of the 5/6 mixed Netball team as they won all their games but one at the Netball Tournament on Friday.
This week we had our last sessions with Garnet the Athletics coach. A big thank you to him and all the students that have given it a go. I can't wait until the Athletic Carnival when you get to show off all of your new skills.
Important dates:
13th June: 3/4 Wither Sports Day
14th June: St Patricks Athletic Day
19th June: Football Tournament
20th June: 5/6 Winter Sports Day