Classroom News


Foundation-Grade 1 Miss Bennett

Well we're well and truly in the thick of Term 2 with only 4 weeks left to go! It's hard to believe our Foundation busy bees are almost half way through their first year of school. These F/1 Busy bees have been ON-FIRE in the beehive and have been completing lots of assessment and showing their learning.


In Maths, the students have finished their learning about partitioning and are moving onto Addition for the remainder of Term 2. Their knowledge of part-part-whole has been blowing Miss Bennett away. A highlight from our partitioning learning was playing a game of 'BEAT THAT'. Where the students used dice, counters and a ten frame to see who could partition the highest number. 


In Literacy, the F/1's have been showing off their writing skills by writing to match a picture prompt as well as planning and presenting their own version of the book: Joe and the Stars. In phonics the Foundation students are continuing to work on their blending skills and the Grade 1's are almost finished R-controlled vowels. 


Some other highlights from the beehive over the past two weeks is that we were lucky enough to go through an ambulance when we had Ambulance Vic come and visit, this linked to our inquiry topic wonderfully about how we keep our bodies healthy, safe and active. We are also loving Friday feeds as the weather gets colder outside. In religion we have just finished learning about the Catholic Social Teaching Principle: Human Dignity. The students loved learning about things that we need to live. 

 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

In Phonics, students have been developing their knowledge of long and short vowel sounds as well as the bossy R digraphs. They have been introduced to some new rotation games that focus on sounding out words, making and breaking words and distinguishing between nonsense and real words. We have thoroughly enjoyed the ‘Bossy R Go Fish’ game. Students are given 5 cards that have different Bossy R words on them, and they are to communicate with their group to play the regular game of Go Fish. These games have really improved our sounding out skills with these super tricky digraphs.


In Numeracy we have been learning about addition and subtraction. Students have explored adding and subtracting physical quantities using strategies such as ten frames, number lines, regrouping, bar lines and more. These new or enhanced strategies are used to assist students when problem solving. In our class we absolutely love warming up our maths brains with the ‘Mental Maths’ booklets. Each day students spend 5 minutes completing a column of mathematical tasks that are centred around topics we have covered. It has been a great way to engage students in the maths lessons as well as fostering an environment of communication in numeracy.


In Writing, we have just finished our final lesson on the text based unit Jetty Jumping. Throughout this text based unit, students have explored setting, character descriptions and expanded their vocabulary with words like plunge, darting, towering and murky. In their assessment piece, students had to write a description of the jetty and the ocean using noun phrases and expanded vocabulary. They did a super job at this and should be very proud of themselves. Check out some of their work below!


In Inquiry we have been learning about how to keep safe, healthy and active. Students have learnt how to stay safe around the road and in the sun. We had an awesome incursion on Tuesday morning- when Ambulance Victoria came to visit. We learnt so many exciting things about the importance of knowing how to perform CPR and how to call 000 in an emergency. Students will be completing some healthy and unhealthy food activities, water safety as well as their assessment piece where they get to choose a community helper and create themselves in that role.

Grade 3 Mrs Stock


We have begun our new unit, 'Circle of Life'. Students have been asked to create an individual memory box with items that remind them of someone they love. Students are welcome to bring in their box to share with the class, over the next couple of weeks. 


Mathematics: Length

To help us understand units of measurement the Grade 3 students used chalk to measure their height. They used rulers and measuring tapes to record their height in metres and centimetres. 

The Resilience Project: Emotions

Can you guess our emotions? During the Resilience Project the grade 3 students have been focusing on identifying how others feel based on their body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Students created paper-plate masks to show different emotions. 



This week, the Grade 3 students have been busy writing their speeches for the Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition competition. Their topic this year is about their Favourite Fairytale or Book Character. They need to include the following in their speech:

-  If you could talk to your favourite fairytale character or a character from your favourite book, who would it be? Why are they your favourite character? And what would you ask them?

Grade 4 Mrs Loughran

The Grade 4 students are beginning to write their speeches for the Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition.  This week we practiced speaking in front of an audience.  We had a 5 minute writing task where we wrote about time travel.  Each person had to read out their writing to the class.  Read below to find out where the Grade 4’s would go if they could time travel.



I would go back when my parents were little so I can see what the farm looks like,and see how they run it.



If I could time travel I would go to the year 1926 because my nanny and poppys house would be finished so then I could see what it was like as well the farm my highpothoses is that it would look and be different and see my great grandfather because I haven’t seen him before. It would be very cool exploring around the farm. 



If l could time travel I would go to 2014 to see how I look when l came out.   I would be able to see how l grew and see all the fun I had. 



If I could time travel I would go back to 1989 so I could see all of the cool old and exotic cars.  I would be able to hear the roar of these cars as nowadays electric cars are so quiet and boring. 



I would go to the early 2037 because the farm would be passed down to me and then I wouldn’t have to get told what to do. I would be living the dream so that is why I would want to go to the early 2037.



I would like to go back to 1983, the year the Bombers won the premiership cup and I could cheer with Poppy Tom, Nanna Grant and Papa Grant because they were all Bombers supporters. And my Dad says that Nanna Grant was the best cook in the world. I would like to try her AMAZING apple pie. My dad says that it is better than mum's pie. Poppy Tom could make anything out of wood; he made dad a cricket bat. Papa Grant was the best farmer ever. That's where Pa learnt to farm and then he taught dad how to farm and then dad taught me and my sisters how to farm. 

😁And that’s why I want to go to the past😁



If I could time travel I would go back to the stone age to see the beautiful T-rex  and the Razor tooth tiger.  Also one of my most favorite animals that lived on this earth is the Woolly mammoth, the Chainsaw blade shark, Megalodon, Mamosasaurus and the caveman.



If I could time travel I would like to go to 2022 because I’d like to fix up my mistakes like blaming others and drawing ✍🏻 on the walls. There was a time when mum made pavlova roll and I didn’t eat all my dinner🍕 so I didn’t get dessert 🧁 . When mum left for work I snuck out of my bedroom and in the kitchen, I opened the fridge door 🚪 and took three whole handfuls of it. The next morning mum found fingerprints all over the delicious dessert 🧁. Mum had asked who had touched it when she was gone but no one answered to mum👩🏼. I was the one who had done the mess so I had no choice but to own up to mum 👩🏼.



If I could time travel I would go to the year 3030 because I would be able to see the future like flying cars.



I would travel to Mrs Gee’s Mum and Dad’s home when I’m 24 years old.  I would taste their food as it would be yummy because Italian food is yum!

Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

English: In English, we have started writing our speeches for the Lion's Club Public Speaking competition. The topic is "Who is the most influential person in your life?" We are enjoying reflecting on who has been a positive influence in our lives and we are looking forward to challenging ourselves when we present our speeches to our peers in the hope of progressing to represent our school.

In our text-based unit, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," we are learning the structure of a paragraph and how to ensure our writing contains all the key elements. The text is reaching a very interesting point where the White Witch and Aslan are battling for control of Narnia. We are unsure of what will come of Edmund at this stage. We can't wait to read on and discover his fate.


Maths: In maths, we have finished our fractions unit and have been sitting our post-test. It is exciting to see some students experience significant growth in their understanding. We can't wait to start our next unit, which is focused on multiplication and division.


Health: In health, we continue to learn about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty.


Guest Speaker: Kalma from CatholicCare Victoria spoke to the students about the Catholic Social Teachings, with a particular focus on Human Dignity. The students discussed what human dignity looks like and the importance of showing it to those around us - no matter the circumstances.


Sports: Our 5/6 mixed netball team had a great day at the netball tournament on Friday. The team experienced some thrilling wins and showed great teamwork and encouragement for each other. They finished the day winning their division, only having one loss.