Leader: Geenah Loughran
Leader: Geenah Loughran
A GEM Chat consists of 2-5 minute activities/conversations that you can have individually or as a whole family, at different points throughout the day (whenever works best for you). Each newsletter will provide a different chat prompt. Please see below this week's chat:
If you’re anything like us, trying to start a new habit or break an old one can feel like an uphill battle. The good news is we’re not alone.
James Clear, author of Atomic Habits — which has sold 15 million copies worldwide — sits down with the team at The Imperfects Podcast to discuss his four laws of behaviour change and how small incremental changes to your habits can set you on the path to achieving your goals.
Listen to the full episode here: https://bit.ly/Habits-with-James-Clear
This week our blitz focus is:
Our new blitz for Week 8 and 9 will be “Being Physically Safe”
Over the past few weeks, there have been a few instances where students are not being physically safe within our school.
Here are some examples of to be PHYSICALLY SAFE:
*Keeping our hands to ourselves - when we keep our hands to ourselves, people feel safe.
*Keeping our feet to ourselves - when we keep our feet to ourselves, people feel safe.
*Making sure there is enough space between you and the next person when you are lining up.
*Making sure that you are not in anyone’s personal space.
*When you are playing ‘tag’ that you ‘tag’ the person gently
When you are physically safe, you make the people around you feel comfortable and they will want to be in your company.
*When you are NOT being physically safe, you are putting yourself and others at risk of being hurt.
These are the slides that our PBIS Leaders shared at assembly last week: