All Things Hub
Springvale Rise Primary School Community Hub
All Things Hub
Springvale Rise Primary School Community Hub
On Wednesday the 15th of May, we were honoured to have hosted special visitors from The Department of Home Affairs; Assistant Secretary Zoe Williams and Brian Myers Director of the Settlement Grants Section. Our head of program from Community Hubs Australia Rebecca Kotow was also able to accompany out guest. They were able to visit our playgroup and had great conversations with our mums and bubs. Our lovely parent volunteer Makara Chour welcomed the group by doing an Acknowledgement of Country before our next parent Dildar Begum shared her story with the group on how hub has positively impacted her life. We were then able to gift our special visitors with hand knitted coffee cup warmers which our mothers made during Women’s Wellbeing group made. They were truly touched by their visit and to quote from Rebecca ‘They loved every moment of their visit and now have a much better understanding of who comes to hubs and why’.
In addition to this, we also had the Chief Financial Officer Justin from Foodbank visit our School Breakfast club on the Springvale Campus. He was truly amazed by how many students came to breakfast club and loved that our students began their morning by eating a healthy, hearty breakfast with their friends and peers. We were also able to present Foodbank with a certificate to recognise the incredible support they provide our school. This is also a reminder that Food Relief which is proudly supported by Foodbank is open to all on each campus every week. Please see below for more information.
English Classes – Springvale Campus
Learn English by speaking, listening, and even having some fun playing games with each other! We even have some plans for some out of school excursions so please watch this space!
We now offer classes on:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday morning
9.30am - 11.30am. Free childminding is available too.
Playgroup – Heights Campus and Springvale Campus
Come along and meet other families and join in on activities that allow you to talk, sing, share and have fun with one another. Please note the change in time and day on the Heights Campus.
Wednesday Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 Springvale Campus
Thursday Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30,
Heights Campus
Women's Wellbeing Group
Connect with other women whilst having fun participating in a variety of activities such as crafting, cooking and many more!
Wednesday Women’s Wellbeing Group
12pm-1.30pm, Springvale Campus
Thursday Women’s Wellbeing Group
2pm-3.30pm, Heights Campus
Food Relief
Free food and milk for families experiencing financial difficulty. If you would like further assistance please attend this session so we can connect you to further services.
Tuesday 2.30pm-3.30pm Springvale Campus
Wednesday 3pm- 3.30pm, Heights Campus
A reminder that to attend any of our hub programs you will need a Volunteer Working with Children Card (it is free). If you need assistance applying for this card, please contact myself with the contact details below.
If you have any questions, please call on
0447 273 998 or email
Mrs Julie Raciti
Community Hub Leader