A Spotlight on Learning
A Spotlight on Learning in the FLC on Heights Campus
What a busy term it has been!!! We are now more than halfway through the term. F1A and F1B have engaged in many learning experiences so far this term. The students are continuing to show great enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and are following the routines and expectations of the classroom.
This week the students have been learning about why we recognise Reconciliation Week. It is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
We learnt the importance of the colour yellow for Reconciliation Week. Yellow is the centre of the Aboriginal flag – the sun, the giver of energy and life. Yellow is also symbolises – fresh, energy and hope.
On Wednesday 29th of May, we had a Community Breakfast for Reconciliation Week. Lots of children and their parents came along and took part in this special event.
In English, the students have been continuing to develop their phonological awareness and developing their knowledge of letters and their most common sounds. They are also beginning to blend sounds together to read new words.
The students have been focusing on retelling stories that they have listened to or that they have read on their own. We have been learning to talk about what happened in a story - identifying the characters, the setting and some details or events from the story and using the pictures in the book to help them retell.
In Writing, the students have been learning to correctly form the letters of the alphabet and write about their own personal experiences. The students are beginning to copy words and simple sentences from word lists and charts within our classroom environment, as well as attempting to write independently by recording the sounds that they hear in the words. The students have enjoyed sharing their personal experiences and opinions with their class.
In Mathematics, the FLC/Year 1 students have been exploring length, height and mass and developing their knowledge about measurement. They have been comparing and ordering objects from shortest to longest, shortest to tallest and lightest to heaviest. They have been continuing to develop their counting skills and learning about the value of numbers and the concept that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten.
On Thursday 16th of May, F1A and F1B had a visit from the Teddy Bear Hospital doctors and nurses. The students brought along their teddies to school and engaged in a variety of activities intended to simulate real-life hospital and doctor experiences that they may encounter in the real world. The students had a great deal of fun treating their teddies as patients.
Mrs Georgia Vamvas
FLC Learning Centre Leader
(Heights Campus)