From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Springvale Campus)

Snapshots from Springvale Campus

Last week was National Volunteer Week. We came together in the Hub to thank our amazing volunteers and recognise their contributions to our school community. Please know that we truly appreciate your passion, talents and time that you generously give time and time again!   

Another very important group of people that we couldn’t live without are our Education Support Personnel who also celebrated their day last week. I would like to acknowledge their incredible contribution to our school, from supporting students with their learning, to assisting in the sick bay, interpreting, making resources and completing administration tasks in the office. The students organised a special assembly and showered them with gifts, cards and special words of thanks. Here is a little poem written by our SLC students that summarises how we all feel about these special people. 

This week is National Reconciliation Week which is a time dedicated to building positive, respectful relationships between Australians and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples' culture. We kicked off the week with a smoking ceremony performed by our special visitors Uncle Josh and Uncle Mark. Throughout the week students continued to explore the ways they can contribute to reconciliation, such as learning about and from First Nations people, asking questions and looking after country. You will be able to see each student’s pledge towards reconciliation displayed as a sea of hands at the front garden of our school from the end of this week. Make sure you come and check it out!

In other news, it is business as usual in the classrooms where students continue to work hard on achieving their learning goals.  Did you know that there are entire walls in our school dedicated to tracking students’ progress? The teachers use these regularly to reflect on and plan for individuals and groups of students so that each and every student can receive appropriate support and learn what they need to learn next. Our amazing teachers have spent curriculum day this week, analysing evidence of learning and tracking each student’s progress. This will help them to report on student's achievements in our upcoming mid-year reports, as well as plan new teaching and learning cycles for Semester 2 so our students can continue to grow.

Have a great fortnight everyone and take care!



Mrs Mirela Karup

Acting Assistant Principal

(Springvale Campus)