Year 1 News

Maths - Addition Strategies and ‘Making a Ten Memory Game’  

In Maths our Number and Algebra focus for the term is Addition and Subtraction. The Year One’s have been learning a range of Addition Strategies including Counting on, Number Lines, Number Bonds, Friends of Ten and Friends of Twenty.  


We have continued to incorporate Maths games which support these skills in a fun and engaging way. The students have been learning a range of Michael Minas (Love Maths) fluency games that are played as a class and with partners. These games are designed to reinforce their knowledge of the number system.  


Here the students enjoyed ‘Make a Ten Memory Game’. You may wish to consolidate your child's understanding of the game by playing together at home. Put that memory to the test and have fun ‘Making a ten!!’  


Growing Seeds  

Who needs a Farmer’s Market when you have a mini greenhouse in your classroom?  


The students inquiring minds have led us down the track of looking at the process involved in growing plants from seed. The children had many wonderings at the onset of our Unit of Inquiry, exploring ‘Food Goes Through Many Stages of Production Before Reaching Us’.   


We have included focused guided reading activities within our literacy lessons, which have helped to explore many of the children’s wonderings, with mentor texts including “Just a seed” and “Bean Plant Lifecycle”.    


A fortnight ago the children learned how to germinate a seed. We followed the process to create a mini greenhouse, germinating bean seeds in a plastic bag on the classroom windows, our “Germination Station”. 


The children are tracking the growth of the plant which has tied in beautifully with our measurement lessons. 


Last Thursday the children happily planted their germinated seeds into soil and were thrilled to see the majority had grown into seedlings over the weekend.