
National Families Week (13-19 May). 



Each year, families around the country come together for Australia’s annual celebration of families National Families Week (13-19 May). The theme of the National Families Week 2024 is Celebrating Family Diversity & Connections. 


National Families Week is a time to celebrate with your family, connect with your extended family and friends, and share in the enjoyment of family activities. The aim of National Families Week is to not only celebrate the vital role that families play in Australian society, but to also reflect on the critical role that families play in teaching, supporting and nurturing children as they grow. 


Celebrating family diversity involves recognising and embracing the unique circumstances, backgrounds, and dynamics that make each family special. And finding opportunities to connect across differences including those in culture, language, gender, sexuality, ability, and age. 


In National Families Week 2024 we encourage you to celebrate the diversity within your family. And, to celebrate the commonalities and differences between your family and other families.  


Ideas For Celebrating: 

Family Portraits 

Draw or paint a portrait of someone in your family. This can be as abstract or realistic as you desire. For added effect, write down one thing you love about that person below the picture. 


Picture Frame Decoration 

Purchase a picture frame and decorate it with your choice of paint, textas, stickers, or anything else you can think of! Once decorated, put your favourite family picture in it and place it somewhere special in your home. 


Paddle Pop Stick Family 

Using paddle pop sticks and felt materials, textas or paint, create each member of your family on a paddle pop. Be as creative as you can and include defining features to capture their individuality. 

If your family sponsors a child, consider including them in your paddle pop stick family!  


Rock Painting Family 

Collect rocks from the garden and paint them as different members of your family. Once finished you will have a rock family you can place in the home or in the garden as special ornaments. 


Create a Household Family Tree 

Get artistic and bring your household together by crafting a family tree. Paint or draw the trunk and branches of the tree, then coat your hands in paint to handprint the leaves. Have each family member handprint their leaf on the tree. Once dry, print the names of your family members on their handprints. 


Family Pictures Collages 

Collect some of your family’s favourite photos together and cut them into interesting shapes. Paste these on a piece of paper or board to create a collage of your favourite memories together. This will be great to look back on for many years to come. 


Toilet Roll Family 

Using left over toilet rolls, decorate these anyway you like using textas, paints, or materials. Create one for each member of the family. 


Paint a Picture of the Family Home 

Paint your family home on a piece of paper, this can be as abstract or realistic as you like. Make sure you include the garden, any pets, and your family outside! 


Draw Your Favourite Family Activity 

Every family has a few favourite group activities! Get everyone in the family to draw their favourite. Do not share the activity until you are done, and at the end, have everyone talk about their chosen activity and why they enjoy it so much.  

Watch your family movie nights, picnics, beach trips and holidays come to life in an artwork series you can put on display in your home! 


Research Your Family Lineage 

Do some research about your family history and write your family lineage. Going back as far as you can, this is a great way to learn more about the history of your family and share stories of family members and how they have shaped your family today. 


Write Letters or Messages to Your Extended Family 

You may not see your extended family as often, particularly if they live in another state. This is a great opportunity to write letters or messages to your extended family members. Let them know how much you miss them, and anything exciting that you have learned or experienced. You do not need to post your message, but we are sure they will appreciate the effort that goes into a handwritten letter.  


Acrostic Poem of Your Family’s Last Name 

Altogether or individually, write an acrostic poem using your family’s surname. This will be a special reminder of the importance of family and can be hung up in your home. Focus on your family values, history, and characteristics.  


Family Walk or Bike Ride 

Get active and enjoy a bike ride or walk altogether. Whether you choose to venture far or stay close to home with a short stroll around the block, this will be a terrific way to have fun and get a healthy dose of exercise. 


Write a Story About Your Family’s Favourite Holiday or Trip 

Sit down as a family, each with a pen/pencil and piece of paper and individually write down the story of your favourite holiday or trip. Focus on what made this holiday so special. Once you are finished, share your stories, and reminisce on your great memories together. 


Watch a Family-Favourite Movie 

Relax and enjoy each other’s company by sitting down and watching a family-favourite movie. Whether it be an old movie you used to love or a new one, this is a fantastic way to come together as a family. 


List Ten Things You are Thankful for About Your Family 

Writing lists is a wonderful way to show what you are thankful for. Have everyone in the family write down ten things they are grateful for about your life together. You could pair this activity with a family movie night and choose a movie about our place in the worldasa gratitude exercise. 


Have a Picnic Outside 

Put away all technology and enjoy a nice family picnic at home. Have everyone in the family help prepare the picnic basket and enjoy the quality time together with meaningful conversation, without distractions and interruptions. 


Have a Video Call with Your Extended Family 

Organise to have a family reunion over a video call with all members of your extended family. This will help the entire family stay connected, and up to date with what is going on in everyone’s lives. 


Do Some Baking Together 

Get the family together in the kitchen and bake a favourite dessert or dish. Split up the recipe so everyone has a turn at getting their hands full of flour! You may wish to do this as a precursor to a family picnic and enjoy the fruits of your labour outdoors. 


We would love for families to share the activities they do during National Families Week, so we can put them into our next Newsletter! If you are happy to share, please send any photos or documents to beaumaris.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au