Transdisciplinary Themes   


The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a transdisciplinary curriculum framework that offers authentic learning experiences.  

The PYP encourages students to learn to appreciate knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and personal attributes as a connected whole.  


The programme of inquiry is organised and framed by six transdisciplinary themes:  


  • Who we are.  
  • Where we are in place and time.  
  • How we express ourselves.  
  • How the world works.  
  • How we organize ourselves.  
  • Sharing the planet.  



Central Idea 

 A central idea is the lens that drives the Transdisciplinary Theme. A central idea is introduced at the beginning of each unit of inquiry. Central ideas may be co-constructed or created prior by the year level teachers. During the introduction of the central idea the class will brainstorm their understandings of new vocabulary.  ‘Unpacking’ is a strategy where students deconstruct the central idea to ensure a clear and agreed understanding by the class. 


During this, students may be introduced as a whole class or work in groups to discuss and develop greater meaning.   


A central idea enables students to continue throughout their unit of inquiry revisiting and consolidating their understandings.   

Library – Prep 


Jack, Marlow and Nigel 


Transdisciplinary theme: How we express ourselves  


Central idea: Using our senses helps us tell stories in the library  


In the library, students have been reading, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 


Marlow: We are learning about senses.  


Jack: In library we have been learning about the senses of animals.  


Nigel: Some of the senses are hearing, tasting, feeling. 


Year 3  


Emma and Charlie 


Transdisciplinary theme: Where we are in place and time 


Central idea: Cultures change over time 


Charlie: We are learning about the different cultures of Aboriginal and Tores Strait Islanders. 


Emma: We are learning about the flags at the moment and what they mean. 


Charlie: Our central idea is: Cultures change over time.


Emma: Our transdisciplinary theme is Where we are in place and time. 


Charlie: We picked three wonderings and then we have to choose one to investigate more. 


Emma: I am investigating Oodgeroo Noonuccal 


Charlie: I am researching Buddie Franklin; I think you would know him. 


  Year 2  


Seb and Sadie 


Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are  


Central idea: A balanced lifestyle is influenced by the choice we make 


Seb: We are learning about a balanced lifestyle. Where you have to eat healthy food and have active lives and have lots of sleep. 


Sadie: We are learning about the Who we are. 


Sadie: We are learning that is it important to eat good things, it is important to eat healthy food. 

We are also learning about exercise. We are seeing how we feel inside after doing exercise.


Seb: Our central idea is ‘A balanced lifestyle is influenced by the choices people make’. 





Year 4 

Piper and Oscar 


Transdisciplinary theme: Who we are 


Central idea: The body is made up of different systems thar need to be maintained in order to stay healthy 


Oscar: We are learning about the body systems, like the nervous system, the skeletal system, and other ones. Our central idea is, the body is made up of different systems managed to stay healthy. 


Piper: Our transdisciplinary theme is Who we are. 


Piper: My wondering was, ‘if the brain has an idea, does your brain send the message all the way down to your foot and back up again to let you know it is a good idea and will work?’ 


Oscar: An interesting fact I have learnt about is that in the brain there are a hundred billion brain cells. 


Piper: An interesting fact I have learnt is that when you breath in oxygen goes in, but when you breath out carbon dioxide comes out.  


Oscar: I am looking forward to learning more about the other systems. 


Piper: I am excited to share my knowledge to other people about the systems in the showcase. 



Year 5  

Alexandra, Mina and Cameron 


Transdisciplinary theme: How the world works 


Central idea: Changes to the Earth’s surface and natural environment can impact communities 


Alexandra: We are only just beginning our new unit of inquiry. At the moment, we are learning about different towns and places. Our transdisciplinary theme is, How the world works. 


Mina: My wondering is, how did the Black Thursday bushfire start. 


Cameron: At the moment we are creating our towns and researching about them Our place is Sendai, Japan.