Important Information

Information, news, and updates.

NPS 'ALWAYS ON' FEEDBACK PORTAL - Leave your feedback via this link

School Concert - date confirmed, 16th Sep

We are happy to announce that this year's annual whole school concert will be held at the Geelong Arena on Monday 16th September

Find this and other important school dates in the whole school google calendar.  


Open Classrooms 'Maths Morning' - Thurs 27th June

Families are invited to come into their child's classroom between 9.15-10am on Thurs 27th June for our Maths Open Morning.Students will be looking forward to sharing their learning and play some fun maths games with you!  




Student Diversity Disco - Thurs 20th June

A reminder that Student Disco ticket and party pack orders were due back to school today. If your child would like to attend the student disco and you have not yet returned an order form, late orders will still be accepted by the office early next week. *Spare ticket and party pack order forms are available from the office.


Volunteers Needed! We are on the lookout for a few Parent Helpers on the day of the disco and at the event. If you are able to assist, please head to our volunteer sign up page HERE and pop your name against an item/task. Some of our wonderful Newtown PS staff have volunteered their time to assist with supervision on the night (including DJ McKinnis!) however, as this activity is outside of school hours, our staff are also volunteering their time for the evening. Some additional parent support will be most appreciated.

Trivia Night - Can you support our School?

We are now underway with the organisation of our annual major fundraising event, our TRIVIA NIGHT! We are excited to share that tickets will be on sale very soon!

EVENT DATE: Sat 27th July 2024



We are starting to look for sponsors and donors of auction items and prizes. If you operate or are connected with a business or individual that may be able to make a contribution to our wonderful event in the form of: Auction Items, Raffle and Table Prizes, Vouchers, Discount Coupons / Samples etc

We would love to hear from you!

Please contact the school office if you are able to support our major school fundraiser for the year on 5229 9730 or email  


CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - Trivia Night Working Party 

If you would like to assist in the organisation and running of the event, please contact the school office on 5229 9730 or email  

Canteen News - Sushi is here!

Lunch orders can be ordered for students each Wednesday using the Flexischools App or website. 

Our lunch order service is managed and facilitated by the Fresh Lunch Fairy. 


Lunch orders must be ordered online or via the app by 8pm the evening before each lunch order day. 


For support please contact the Fresh Lunch Fairy.

Or Flexischools on 1300 361 769



Rolling Pin Pie Drive

We had a good response from our families for our Rolling Pin Pie Drive, thank you for supporting this delicious fundraiser! We had a collective 183 pies/packs ordered in this drive, raising a total of $732 for our great school! Orders were due to be collected from the school canteen space yesterday and this morning. Orders that are yet to be collected will have been contacted this afternoon. 

Newtown PS is Social!

Are you connected with our social media accounts?

Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram. Follow us via the links below.