Student News

Sandhurst Soccer Competition
Last Friday, June 14th, five of our Grade 5/6 students represented St Inglebridge at the Sandhurst Soccer Competition in Bendigo. This is the first time that we have entered a soccer team to represent our cluster group. It was a tough competition going up against bigger schools but our motto of the day was 'have fun and try your best.' All of the students who participated should be proud of themselves for having a go. Our next cluster event is Netball in Week 2 of Term 3!
LCDSSA Athletics
Yesterday, June 19th, all of our students made their way to the Athletics Track in Bendigo to compete against students in their age group from Marong, Bridgewater, Inglewood and Lockwood. All of the students used what they had learnt in PE and applied it on the day. It was amazing to witness the students attempt to beat their personal records from the previous few years! Congratulations to all of the students who participated in all of the events and continued to be respectful members of our school community when separated into their groups.
Year F-4 Integrated Curriculum Unit
This term, we have been exploring groups that help people within our community. Here's Braxton sharing some information he researched about Guide Dogs Australia.
In art class, we have been learning about various printmaking techniques. First, we focused on making our pages bright and colourful to create a strong contrast for our stamps. We then made intricate patterns on the foam and applied black paint over them. We were all amazed by the results, and the classroom was filled with sounds of excitement.