Principals Report

Stephen O'Shannessy

Dear Parents, Families and Friends,


Thank you for a wonderful semester of learning and new opportunities. I am always impressed with the time parents make themselves available for the numerous celebrations, assemblies, sporting days and events we host. We deeply appreciate the time and effort you invest in supporting our school. Each child and their family is an ambassador for St Mary's, so continue to share the great work you and the school do with others in the Inglewood and Bridgewater community. 


Our dedicated staff are fully engaged in working with your child to maximise their success and growth in all subject areas. Their commitment and passion for education are evident in the progress we see in our students every day. The students continue to set learning goals, striving to achieve their best and support one another in their educational and social journey. Their treatment of one another is so rewarding to see, as they display many of our school values on a daily basis. As we reflect on the past semester, we look forward to continuing this positive momentum into Term 3. 


Academic reports and student journals are due to be sent out next Wednesday. Staff have been working thoroughly on consolidating work samples, assessment tasks, and tracking your child’s progress. We encourage you to read these reports and learning journals with your child as it is a great opportunity to discuss their learning and celebrate their successes.


This year, you will notice minor amendments to the structure of the academic reports in Mathematics and Arts. As we have moved into a new  VCAA Mathematics 2.0 curriculum, students will only receive one overall grade for the semester to cater for the multiple strands on offer in different year levels. If you have questions regarding your reports, please make time to see staff or myself on Thursday or Friday of next week. 


Our last day of term will be next week, Friday 28th, and the children will be dismissed at 2.20pm. Please join us for our final assembly for Term Two at 9:00am. Afterwards, students will celebrate the term with a BBQ. 


This term, we have noticed an increase in families taking holidays during school time. While we understand the importance of family time and travel, we encourage these holidays to be scheduled during the 12 weeks of designated school breaks each year. I understand there are benefits to taking breaks around farming seasons, and it's a cheaper alternative; however, taking holidays during the school term can disrupt students' learning and progress. By planning vacations during the official breaks, we can ensure that our students remain on track with their education. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.


To all our families, we wish you a restful break. Students can take this time to recharge and enjoy their well-deserved break. We look forward to welcoming them back, refreshed and ready for a productive second semester.



Kind Regards,