Student Awards



Responsible, Resilient, Respectful





Student Name    AwardReason
Prep GNova ResponsibleNova did a fantastic job on our walk to the library last week. She listened well, helped others with being safe out in town and supported her teachers and educators with making the day fun and memorable. Well done, Nova!
Prep VHarvey Responsible

Harvey has demonstrated that he is a responsible reader this week through his enthusiasm towards his reading. He shows an eagerness to learn and explore new reading books each week.

Well done Harvey!

Junior ALillianResponsibleLillian always shows great responsibility both inside and outside of the classroom. It has been wonderful seeing her go out of her way to help her peers with their learning. She should be very proud of these amazing qualities she is demonstrating. Keep up the great work Lillian!
Junior GAda Responsible Ada you are a responsible member of Junior G. In my absence every teacher gave glowing reviews of your amazing leadership skills and helpful manner. We are so lucky to have such a kind and caring member of our Junior community! 
Middle MFlynnResilientThis week, Flynn has displayed outstanding resilience in his learning, with noticeable improvements in his focus and dedication to his work. His perseverance and commitment are to be congratulated. Well done, Flynn!
Middle TChrisResilientChris has taken on some challenging work this term, particularly when learning about fractions in Mathematics. His focus, positive attitude and confidence to ask for help has enabled him to take his learning to the next level! Keep it up Chris!
Middle JMila Resilient For the amazing way you have been working through learning challenges this term. You have been embracing tricky tasks like the fraction code breaker with a positive attitude that has helped you accomplish your goals. We are so lucky to have such a hardworking student in Middle J. Well done Mila!
Senior BChris ResilientFor having a Growth Mindset. It has been wonderful to see you working hard and having a positive attitude towards your learning. You have made so much progress this term and have persevered when you have felt challenged. Well done, Chris! Keep it up!
Senior OAmelia  Responsible For always having a responsible and positive attitude towards your schoolwork and your peers. You have modelled this responsible attitude and shown great leadership during our Buddies sessions with the preps and have guided your buddy through activities with kindness and patience. Well done Amelia!  
Visual Arts





Responsible For always showing a responsible attitude towards all materials and maintenance in the Art Room. These girls have a kind and thoughtful awareness of others and the next class set up. They show wonderful leadership in this regard. I’m proud of them and also sometimes very, very grateful for their help. 
Performing ArtsJulian RespectfulYour unwavering enthusiasm and contributions to Performing Arts classes. Your eagerness to lead discussion, suggest activities and passion for what we are doing does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your energy and involvement, Julian! 
Digital TechnologiesGreta  ResponsibleGreta by staying focused, on task and engaged in the activity. As well as making good choices, being involved and allowing others to be involved in the task. Greta you demonstrated a very mature and responsible attitude and you treated those around you with respect and courtesy. Well done for all your hard work and wonderful, positive attitude.




Curios, Determined, Collaborative, Creative, Proactive, Self-aware







Student NameAwardReason
Prep GCassidy



Well done Cassidy on your determination to learn to read and write this term. You have tried your hardest and should be so proud of your progress!
Prep VGiana



Giana has shown great enthusiasm when it comes to her learning this week. When learning about the police and how they help us, she was able to ask relevant questions to further her understanding. She then produced a great piece of writing to demonstrate her understanding. 

Well done Giana!

Junior AAkiva



Akiva you have done a fantastic job applying different strategies to solve multi-digit subtraction problems. You were able to clearly explain your reasoning for your chosen strategies and identify the one you find most efficient. Well done Akiva!
Junior GGrace 



Grace, you are a perfect example of what it looks like to be a proactive learner. You are constantly looking for opportunities to extend yourself and always produce your best work. I can’t wait to see all your hard work pay off in our Retelling Fairytale Unit! Keep it up, Grace! 
Middle MZara H



This week, Zara has shown herself to be a curious learner. She posed thoughtful questions about her maths learning, aiming to both clarify her understanding and extend her thinking by connecting concepts with other mathematical ideas.
Middle TSolyana



Solyana is always quick and eager to begin learning tasks in the classroom. She has demonstrated a proactive attitude towards her learning through her thoughtful choice of writing goals and has done a brilliant job of independently editing and publishing her information report about Greece. Keep it up!
Middle JIliana



For the impressive initiative you showed when writing persuasive texts this week. You thought of strong creative reasons and evidence to support your argument. You checked in to make sure you were on the right path which led you to creating an excellent persuasive text. Well done Iliana!
Senior BZelia



For your proactive and enthusiastic approach to your learning during writing sessions last week. You used your time efficiently and were able to plan, draft, and publish a very convincing persuasive letter about changing the school uniform. Your points were well informed, well structured and clearly argued. Keep up the great work Zelia! 
Visual Arts



Stella M



For their very determined effort to learn a new colour application skill and then to transfer this skill to create something very clever, well-composed and very beautiful. These 3 students are quiet achievers who bring a lovely energy to our Art lessons.

Well done!  

Performing ArtsArya CDetermined Learner

For your unwavering leadership and commitment during rehearsals of ‘The Fashion Show.’ I am continually impressed by the high standards you set whether it be learning your lines, making brave choices or the encouragement you give on and off stage. Thank you for being a star, 




Leo ResilienceFor Leo’s efforts in attempting to solve a number of mathematical problems and challenges. Leo concentrated on his task and attempted to solve the various problems through trial and error and quite a fair bit of strategy. Leo was not deterred, frustrated or distracted by not solving them ‘straight away’ and combined with quite a degree of systematic working and thinking, he solved the challenges he attempted. Well done Leo, for your persistence and resilience.