Grade 1 Community News

Dear Grade 1 families,


What an amazing start to the year we have had! The students have settled wonderfully into classroom routines. We have loved getting to know our students and their wonderful families through the beginning of term 1.


Here's a quick look at what we have been working on:




Our Grade 1 students have been busy revisiting the letters and sounds they learned in Prep to build a strong foundation for reading and writing. They have been reviewing sounds such as ll, ss, zz, ck, sh, wh, and th, along with tricky words like said, was, her, are, you, very, put, and have. Through fun and targeted activities, they have practised matching words to pictures, writing words after hearing the sounds, and strengthening their phonics skills.


In addition to revising letter names and sounds, students have been working on their handwriting, focusing on correct letter formation using dotted thirds. This practice helps them develop neat and confident writing skills.


As we move forward, students will continue reinforcing familiar sounds while also learning new ones. They will also begin exploring compound words, breaking them down into smaller parts to help with reading and understanding their meaning.


You can support your child’s learning at home by reading with them daily, encouraging them to sound out unfamiliar words, and discussing new vocabulary to expand their language skills. Your involvement makes a big difference in their progress!





Our Grade 1 students have been developing their confidence with numbers through a range of engaging activities. They have been practising counting forwards and backwards from different starting points, writing numbers, and exploring different ways to represent them.


We have had lots of fun learning about place value, focusing on building and reading two-digit numbers made with tens and ones. Students have discovered that ten ones can be ‘regrouped’ to make one ten and have shown an excellent understanding of this concept. Using bundling sticks, they have been making, saying, and writing numbers up to 100—an important skill that helps them build strong number sense and see the connections between numbers.


In addition to number work, students have been exploring 2D shapes, learning to identify the sides and vertices of triangles and quadrilaterals. They will continue to build on this knowledge as they investigate other shapes in the coming weeks.


Looking ahead, students will add to their learning of directions, focusing on left and right, turning, and moving forwards and backwards. This will help them develop spatial awareness and the ability to give and follow directions accurately.


You can support your child’s learning at home by encouraging them to count objects in everyday situations, play simple number games, and discuss shapes and directions in their environment.



Knowledge Building

In Knowledge Building our Grade 1 students have been diving into the world of fables, exploring classic stories such as The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing and The Fox and the Grapes. They have learned that fables are short stories with important life lessons, known as morals. Through discussions, students have been identifying characters, problems, and feelings while uncovering the key messages behind each fable. Their enthusiasm and engagement have truly shone through in their wonderful work!

More recently, we have begun exploring Continents, Countries, and Maps. Students have been learning about different map features and why they are important. As we continue this unit, they will discover fascinating facts about animals and places across each continent, sharing their learning through drawings and writing.


You can support your child’s curiosity by discussing interesting facts about different continents at home. Encouraging these conversations will help build their understanding and confidence to share their knowledge at school.




Respectful Relationships

In our Respectful Relationships lessons, students have been learning about emotions and how they are expressed through body language. They have been identifying different feelings and discussing the actions that can make others feel this way.


As part of this learning, students are also exploring ways they can contribute to making our classroom a safe and happy place for everyone. Through thoughtful discussions and activities, they are developing important skills in empathy, kindness, and positive interactions with their peers.


You can support this learning at home by talking with your child about different emotions and ways to show kindness and respect in everyday situations.




Digital Technologies

In Digital Technology, students have been learning about Cyber Safety and how to stay safe online. They are discovering that their feelings can be an important clue in identifying whether something is safe or unsafe while using the internet. Through discussions and activities, they are developing awareness of how to make good choices online and what to do if they feel unsure or uncomfortable.


You can support this learning at home by talking with your child about their online experiences, reminding them to always speak to a trusted adult if something doesn’t feel right.




Our calendar:

  • Harmony Day is on Friday the 21st of March in Week 8. Students can come dressed in their cultural dress or wear orange to show support. Students can purchase glow sticks for $1. Please see compass for more details

Friendly Reminders:

  • Please ensure your child has a Tarneit Rise Primary School hat so they can play outside during recess and lunch.
  • Please remind your child to bring their Reading Journal and take-home books to school on their allocated day to swap their readers.
  • Ensure your child is arriving on time to school. Being ready to learn from the start of the day makes a huge difference.
  • Lunch orders are now available for students on all weekdays and can be ordered through the QR code: