French News

Bonjour, chers parents et élèves !


Our French students continue to work hard in class, and we are delighted to see their enthusiasm for learning French.


•    Prep students learned numbers up to 5 and some letters in the French alphabet and its pronunciation. They started to discover the differences between sounds in French and English.



•    Grade 1 students worked on numbers from 11 to 20. They focused on writing those numbers and recognize them while listening and reading. They also learned the letters of the French alphabet and practiced their pronunciation.



•    Grade 2 students reviewed months of the year and numbers up to 30 in French. These are topics they had learned in grade 1 but we are consolidating their knowledge and also shifting our focus from speaking only to writing some French words.



•    Grade 3 students learned how to ask and answer questions about the days of the week and months of the year. They practiced speaking French with their classmates using the sentence structures taught. In week 6, they were assessed on their learning progress since the start of the year, covering topics such as definite and indefinite articles, the use of “my” and asking and answering questions about days and months.



•    Grade 4 students worked on forming sentences related to school subjects and they created their own classroom timetable in French.


•    Grade 5 and 6 students practiced describing family members in French using a variety of sentence structures and adjectives. In week 6, they were assessed on their learning progress since the start of the year, covering topics such as ER verbs, prepositions, directions, and describing family members.



We are so proud of all our students' efforts and look forward to seeing them continue to grow in their French learning journey!



Please note: If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊 



Alphabet song – song - song - of the week - of the year -




Merci (thanks) for reading! We look forward to watching our students at Tarneit Rise Primary School continue to grow in their French language abilities.


À bientôt! See you soon!



The French Specialist Team