Dear fellow scientists, 


A big thank you to the families who came and visited us in the STEM room during Meet and Greet! It was great to talk with you about what your child will be learning in STEM this year.


Prep students went out for a science walk around the school along with their STEM workbook to record their observations of the weather. Prep students are identifying and representing different types of weather (such as: sunny, cloudy, overcast, windy, stormy, rainy and snowy) by using symbols or pictures to describe the weather. Watch this video on weather: 


Grade 1 students are learning to identify different ways objects can be physically changed. They experimented with items like rubber bands, pipe cleaners, fabric, toys, playdough, and straws. Students then marked whether each material could be squashed, bent, twisted, or stretched.



Grade 2 students are learning to predict and record their results on which material—rocks, cotton balls, or paper towels—will best filter polluted water. Watch this video on how to your very own DIY water filter: 



Grade 3 students are using scientific terms to describe how heat is transferred by conduction. They apply their understanding to predict the outcome of an experiment and use the words conduct and heat to explain their results. Watch this video on Heat Transfer – Conduction, Convection and Radiation: 



Grade 4 students are planning a website to show how drought affects plants, animals, people, and the landscape. They have started researching and recording information in their design booklets. Watch this video on Extreme Drought in Australia - BBC Science: 



Grade 5 students learning to graph and record data about structural adaptations. Students recorded data in a table, created a graph and explained the difference between structural adaptations and behavioural adaptations. Watch this video to show how structural adaptations can help keep an animal warm. 



Grade 6 students are learning to identify materials that allow electrical energy to flow through them and those that do not. They tested various materials in an electric circuit and concluded whether they were conductors or insulators. They then recorded their investigation results in a table in their STEM workbook.




STEM opportunities


CSIRO Young Future Shapers

Do you know an enthusiastic young person in grades 5-10 who loves STEM?  If you do, why not nominate them to be a part of the CSIRO Young Future Shapers program?  Find out more information about this exciting STEM opportunity and start your nomination application here  Applications close on 16 March at 11:59pm AWST.



Australian STEM Video Game Challenge

A lot of you will be very excited to know that The Australian STEM Video Game Challenge has started!  This year’s theme is JOURNEY.  If you are not already in the grade 5 STEM Video Game club being run by Ms Gould, you can still participate!  Find out more information here  Happy coding 😊



Stargazing update

What an amazing experience was had for keen stargazers looking northwest into the sky at about 9pm on 24th February when (what appeared to be) a string of fairy lights eerily made its way across their view.  Fairy lights – NO.  Starlink satellites – YES.  If you don’t want to miss out on seeing the next Starlink satellite journey across our sky, find out more information about when and where to look out for it here  



If you want to see natural celestial bodies checkout this website to look for astronomical events coming up in March