Performing Arts News

Hi Tarneit Rise families,
We would like to welcome Prep H and Prep A to the Performing Arts room for the first time as it is their first Wednesday at school this week.
Prep students have been practicing dancing to different music using both guided and improvised dance. This week Prep students have been introduced to learning about music in the Performing Arts room. They have learnt music can be made with your voice, body percussion and using instruments. Prep students have learnt the Flower Song, practiced making body percussion patterns and learnt about and used different one toned instruments.
In Grade 1 students have used their prior knowledge about dancing with emotions to create dances to music that conveys their chosen emotion by show emotions through the way they move and using facial expressions while dancing. This week Grade 1 students are creating their class dance using ideas from last week’s choreographies. The Grade 1 students will perform their class dance later this term.
The Grade 2 students started making a choreography last week with a 4/4 beat. They have learnt about matching the dance moves to the beat of the song to practise keeping in time with the music while dancing. This week the students have continued to build on the class’s choreography in small groups before sharing back to the class.
Last week the Grade 3 students started working in small groups to create their choreography for their group dance that they will be performing in week 8. They have continued working on their dance this week focusing on using the elements of dance in their dance routine.
In week 5 the Grade 4 students have explored creating a choreography while meeting a elements of dance challenge such as the element of body challenge where groups had one dancer who could only move their arms and one dancer who could only move their legs and the rest of the group could dance with their whole body. This week students used a stimulus to inspire their choreography that they created in the lesson.
Last week the Grade 5 students started working in small groups to create their choreography for their group dance that they will be performing in week 8. Their dance must have a clear dance story and theme that the audience can understand. Students focused on making sure they had a chosen song and theme to help inspire their choreography. This week. they have continued working on their dance this week focusing on using the elements of dance in their dance routine and getting feedback from the teacher and peers on how to improve their dance routine.
In week 5 the Grade 6 students started working in small groups to create their choreography for their group dance that they will be performing in week 8. Their dance must be inspired by something dance related such as a dance style or popular dance videos. Students focused on making sure they had a chosen song, inspiration and theme to help create their choreography. This week. they have continued working on their dance this week focusing on using the elements of dance in their dance routine and getting feedback from the teacher and peers on how to improve their dance routine.
See you in the Performing Arts room
Mrs Patton, Mr Max, Mr Kirby, Mr Stanley and Mrs Andrew
Grade 1s dancing to the Benny Hill theme with a silly energy
Grade 4 students performing their choreography they created during the lesson inspired by a stimulus.
Grade 5 students sharing their choreography to the teacher that they are planning for their dance they are performing in week 8.