Grade 6 Community News

Dear families,


It was great to meet our families during Meet and Greet, thank you to everyone who attended in week 4. It is amazing to see how much support our Grade 6s have at home. Grade 6 have been working hard the past 2 weeks, we cannot believe we are half-way through the term already!





We have been continuing with our reading of Freak the Mighty. Grade 6 are really loving this realistic fiction this term. In week 5 and 6, we have been analysing literal and figurative quests, character roles and foreshadowing. The children have been focusing hard to delve deeper into their understanding of the text. 




In syntax, we have explored direct and indirect speech, as well as singular and plural apostrophes. For writing, Grade 6 have been planning and writing their own realistic narratives. The children have really enjoyed creating their own characters, settings and exciting plots. Grade 6 have been challenging themselves to include the knowledge they have gained in syntax, into their written pieces. 






In Mathematics, we learned about prime, compositie, square and triangular numbers. Grade 6 worked on simplifying calculations using their factor knowledge, as well as simplifying numbers using prime numbers. Currently, we are focusing on the order of operations and constructing equations. 




All Grade 6 students have been participating in sport fortnightly on Tuesday afternoons. This term, Cricket, Basketball, T-Ball, Tennis, and Volleyball teams have been selected to compete against other local schools on Gala day in week 9.


Please ensure your child is appropriately dressed in their sporting uniform, including a school hat, so they can participate fully. 




Reminders for upcoming weeks:


Week 7

10th March - Labour Day


Week 8

18th March - Grade 7 transition information night, 3:45-4:15pm, room 85

21st March - Harmony Day



Thank you for your continued support,