Grade 5 Community News

Hello Year 5 families!


Can you believe we are halfway through term 1 already? Weeks 4 and 5 were productive learning weeks for year 5.  In week 7, we have the Labour Day public holiday and the beginning of the NAPLAN window. Up and coming events for year 5 are the House Athletic’s Day and Harmony Day.  Please provide consent and payment for the House Athletic’s Day on compass as soon as possible.  



Knowledge Building

We are now well into our knowledge building unit on The Wild Robot.  During this unit we have been focussing on sentence expansion and persuasive writing.  In the coming weeks students will continue to unpack how language features, images and vocabulary influence interpretations of characters, settings and events of the novel. They will be analysing and explaining literal and implied information throughout the text. 




We have now finished our factors and multiples unit.  In weeks 7 and 8 our focus will move to multiplication and division.  In this 12-lesson topic, students will be using the multiplication and division algorithms for increasingly larger and more complex numbers involving regrouping. There will be a focus on early algebra, where students solve for unknown values in equations using fact families. In addition, this topic encourages students to think flexibly about numbers, applying the associative and distributive properties to solve equations.



Respectful Relationships

Our first topic of the year in Respectful Relationships has been Emotional Literacy.  Students have been developing the ability to be aware of, understand and use information about the emotional states of themselves and others.  In the coming weeks we will be moving into topic 2 which is Personal and Cultural Strengths.  Students will develop a vocabulary to help them recognise and understand strengths and positive qualities in themselves and others. They will identify the values and strengths they have learnt from role models within their families and culture to think about how this guidance helps them to treat others with respect. They will consider how to draw on these strengths to engage with the challenges and opportunities that life presents.





-    Just a reminder that in Term 1, students need to be wearing a TRPS school hat during recess and lunchtimes. 

-    Student journals will not be being sent home this year.  Students will write their reading in the journals when they arrive at school each day. 

-    provide consent and payment for House Athletics Day