Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,
There are only four weeks left of the term and a lot has been happening at TRPS. This week our school review began and the leadership team, as well as our challenge partners and external reviewers, went into classrooms to observe the teaching and learning. During the classroom observations would see that the children have settled into their new classrooms and new routines exceptionally well. The review continues next week, with two fieldwork days, including our parent forums and concludes on March 27.
Our Principal Award Winners have been recognised at assemblies:
Grade 1
Pae - For consistently upholding the school values in and out of the classroom, especially Respect and Kindness. Pae is always prepared with a ready to learn attitude for every session of the day. He always strives to achieve excellence and is a great role model for his peers. Pae loves learning maths at school and wants to be a structural engineer when he grows up.
Grade 2
Zoe - For consistently demonstrating all of the school values in the classroom. Zoes demonstrates a commitment to learning by always trying her best. Zoe is always prepared for learning and works hard to complete work to a high standard. Zoe is always showing kindness to others, often being among the first to volunteer to help out when needed. Zoe loves Christmas and visual arts and wants to be a koala rescuer when she is older!
Sarah - For showing growth and responsibility in STEM by asking and answering questions in all her STEM classes. Sarah loves PE at school and celebrating Eid with her family. Her favourite colour is blue and when she grows up, Sarah wants to be a vet.
Grade 3
Advaith, started his Grade 3 journey in the most ideal way, showing up every day ready to learn, and giving every task a red hot go! Advaith participates in classroom discussions, and conducts himself with the school's values in mind - all with a smile on his face. Advaith is a dedicated learner and sets a fine standard for the rest of his classmates. Advaith loves winter and wants to be a teacher or police officer when he is an adult.
Muhammad has consistently excelled in his STEM work this term and is a model filled with enthusiasm and always works hard. Muhammad thinks he would like to be a business man when he is older.
Grade 4
Arfaan, has shown excellent commitment by attending school every day and with a positive attitude towards learning take on challenges. Arfaan consistently demonstrates politeness and strives for excellence in all e does. As a new student not only to TRPS but also to Australia, Arfaan embodies our school values of kindness, responsibility, respect, and growth and has big dreams for his future! Arfaan wants to be an astronaut when he grows up!
Grade 5
Reyaansh, has had an outstanding start to the year. Reyaansh is independent and resilient. and an inspiring role model, demonstrating all of our school values. Reyaansh has worked hard so far this term and wants to be a police officer when he is older.
Grade 6
Maanya, has had an exemplary start to the year, showing all four TRPS values consistently. Maanya never fails to be kind to others and is always respectful to both peers and adults. Maanya takes responsibility for her learning, and can always be counted on to have an answer to a question, or to help with a task. Maanya shows growth by never being afraid to ask questions. She has big dreams for when she is older and while she isn’t exactly sure where life will take her, Maanya is keen to study at university to pursue her life goals.
School Attendance
We cannot say this enough- daily school attendance is important for all children to succeed in education and ensure they do not fall behind both socially and developmentally. Children who regularly attend school have better health outcomes, better employment outcomes, and higher incomes across their lives. It is important children develop habits of consistent attendance. There are no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind and can affect their longer term educational and social outcomes. It is just as important for students at the beginning of their school journey to be at school each day as it is for those who are moving on to secondary school very soon. EVERY day is important to ensure solid foundations for learning are built. We thank you for your assistance and support. Please do not book family holidays during the school term as this missed time will impact your child’s learning and every missed day of school has a cumulative impact on learning.
As the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) draws near, we want to take a moment to ensure that you are well-informed and prepared for this important assessment. NAPLAN plays a key role in helping us gauge how well students are performing in key areas of their education, and understanding the process can help alleviate any potential concerns. Here’s everything you need to know about the upcoming
NAPLAN assessment.
What is NAPLAN?
NAPLAN is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9 across Australia. It evaluates students' skills in literacy (reading, writing, and language conventions) and numeracy (mathematics). The results help to identify both individual student strengths and areas where improvements may be needed. NAPLAN is not a pass/fail test but a tool to support teachers, students, and parents in understanding academic progress.
When is NAPLAN?
This year, NAPLAN will take place from March 13 – March 24. The tests will be conducted online, and students will be required to complete assessments in four key areas:
• Reading: Assessing comprehension and understanding of written texts.
• Writing: Evaluating the ability to write clearly and coherently.
• Language Conventions: Testing grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary.
• Numeracy: Focusing on mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.
How Can You Support Your Child?
As a parent, there are several ways you can help your child feel ready and confident for NAPLAN:
1. Encourage a Positive Attitude: Remind your child that NAPLAN is just one of many ways to measure their learning and that it's okay to feel nervous. Encourage them to try their best but not to worry about "perfection."
2. Establish a Routine: Ensure your child is getting adequate sleep, especially in the days leading up to the test. A well-rested mind is much more prepared for learning and testing.
3. Practice, Not Pressure: While practice materials are available, it’s important to remember that NAPLAN is not a test students should "study" for like an exam. The aim is to assess natural learning progress. A quick review of familiar concepts may be helpful, but avoid overloading your child with test preparation.
4. Stay Positive About Results: NAPLAN results will be available later in the year, and while they provide valuable insights into academic progress, remember that they are not the sole indicator of your child’s abilities. Teachers will also offer personalized feedback.
What Happens After NAPLAN?
After the assessment period, students' results will be shared with schools, and you will receive a report outlining how your child performed in comparison to national standards. These results help to guide future teaching strategies and may highlight areas where additional support is needed.
It’s important to note that NAPLAN is just one piece of the puzzle in understanding a child’s learning journey. Ongoing communication with your child's teacher is key to supporting their education beyond the results of any test.
We understand that NAPLAN can feel like a big event for students and parents alike, but remember, it is simply an opportunity to check in on academic progress. We are here to support your child through this process and will continue to provide resources to help them succeed.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns about NAPLAN. Together, we can ensure that this experience is a positive and constructive one for your child.
Thank you for your cooperation
Have a great fortnight
Nadia, Sarah, Alana, Gemma, Adam, Stephen, Ali and Missy 😊