

At SFS, our PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning) school wide expectations are:


Responsibility and 




This week’s PBL lesson focused on RESPONSIBILITY in the LEARNING SPACE: Care for the Environment and Resources. 

The students discussed with their teachers why it is important to pack up all equipment we use in the learning space when we have finished using it. The students discussed what this might look like, sound like and feel like to keep our learning environment clean and tidy. We will continue to focus on this next week. 




Here are some of our lucky PBL raffle winners from last week. Keep up the great work children demonstrating our expected behaviours.

AMP and Y girls 

On Tuesday this week all the Year 6 students participated in the AMP (Adolescent Male Program) and Y girls. This program is running for 4 weeks, the next 3 session will be on Monday afternoons. The program is being run by Casey Youth services. The focus for the first session with the girls was on Personal strengths and help seeking behaviour. The girls identified what they thought their personal strengths were and how they can use their strengths to help them during challenges. 

AMP (Adolescent Male Program) is designed to assist young men become better equipped for their world. Through a series of interactive sessions, the participants will learn about team building, communication and their role in society.


Each program will cover the topics listed below:


Personal strengths

Conflict & Emotions

Healthy Relationships

Communication & Teamwork

Y-Girls is designed to assist young women become better equipped for their world. Through a series of interactive sessions, the participants will learn about self-esteem, body image and their importance in society.


Each program will cover the topics listed below:


  • Personal strengths
  • Self-esteem
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Communication & Teamwork



Please join us to celebrate Harmony Week at school on Friday 28th March. We are asking students to wear orange to school on that day. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. Wearing something orange during Harmony Week shows support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia. The children will be learning about the message during the week. All parents and families are warmly invited to attend a special Harmony Day assembly at school on Friday 28th March in the hall at 2.30pm. Have a conversation with your child and talk about your own family history and cultural background. 



If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko                                                          

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader


Positive Quote for the Day
Positive Quote for the Day