Cockatoo (yellow-tailed black)  Class

Mr. Lee

In the Yellow Tail class we have been working on a Maths project called ‘Shape City’. They had to design and create their own city or town using 3D objects they constructed from nets. Students named their town and created a poster analysing and describing the shapes used in their constructions. They completed their projects this week and should be super proud of their efforts! We have also been busy with research projects, cooking and learning about healthy foods, improving our persuasive writing skills and more!


The 5/6s were lucky to attend an excursion to the Gordon Tafe where they learnt about the different career opportunities they provide and enjoyed a 2 course meal prepared by the restaurant on site.  This week has been a busy one for the 4/5/6s, Tuesday the 5/6s took off to Geelong to visit the Gordon where they were provided with a cooked lunch from the culinary students. They took part in a Q and A about the different pathways they can take after school.


This Wednesday the Year 6s went to Birre to meet with other Year 6s and participated in team building activities and challenges. 








Congratulations to our Students of the Week!

11/11 - To follow