Learning and Teaching

The Inquiry Project
Our Professional Development Day on Friday provided an opportunity for staff to reflect on the journey we have taken with Kate Korber. Staff celebrated their growth in the area of Inquiry, sharing how they are using learner voice to engage and guide the learning process. Our Learning Expos have been a true indication of the commitment staff have shown to this journey.
Year 1
Year 1 learners have been immersed in their Minibeast Inquiry Unit this term. They have been scavenging for bugs outside, researching information in books and writing information reports about a variety of minibeasts.
We were also lucky to have an incursion with Sam from ‘Labcoat Learning’. He brought lots of creepy crawlies for us to look at and hold. The highlight so far has been watching the Monarch Butterflies grow and hatch from their chrysalis. We made wishes as we released them into nature. Our next step is to choose our own minibeast to research, write about and create a habitat for.
Year 5 Camp
Wake up early. Bags packed and ready. On the 28th of October 2024, The year 5 students and teachers all took a 2 hour bus ride to ride to Creswick for Year 5 camp! This year, Students were treated to 3 days at Log Cabin camp, and we had a blast! Whether it was the giant swing, the leap of faith or zipline, there was something for everyone to enjoy. I was proud of myself for giving the leap of faith a go even though I was reluctant to jump because of how high it was.
By Hudson WIlliams
Last week all the Grade 5's went to Creswick Log Cabin camp. We spent 3 days and 2 nights there. We had multiple activities to do that included the Giant Swing, the Leap of Faith, the Zipline and more. Dinner contained chicken schnitzel and for the second night we had spaghetti bolognese. We had a great time and all of the things we did were super fun. Thank you to the teachers for everything. Along with Dads and don’t forget Creswick Log Cabin camp staff.
By Ava Bannan
Last week year 5 what to camp to log cabin camp in creswick. Everyone was very excited when we got there and saw the giant swing. After arriving at camp we were sorted into our cabins. Everyone was happy to have friends in their cabins.
Next we were sorted into our activity groups. My groups first activity was a challenge course, with obstacles we had to make our way through. My favourite obstiticle was the tyre tower. It was made of tyres stacked on top of each other with a wooden frame which we had to climb up and over.
Another activity that I loved was the leap of faith, which was a 10m high platform that we had to jump off. But it was ok because we were wearing a harness. Your teammates kept you from hitting the ground by pulling on a rope. This activity was scary because I didn't know if my teammates were going to drop me and exciting because I love heights.
The giant swing was a fun activity because you could go up 20m which made it thrilling. All the people in your group pull you up until you tell them to stop, then you pull a white rope to release the swing and whoosh off you go.
One of the night activities was cooking damper over a camp fire. Our damper was curled around a stick so we could put it in the flames. Some of my friends' damper fell into the fire. They got to get another one. Once our damper was cooked we were able to put butter in it and eat it. It was delicious.
By Jasmine Wills
Last week we went to Creswick Log Cabin camp. We stayed for 3 days and 2 nights. Some of the activities we did were giant swing, zip line, canoeing, archery, leap of faith. We got to pick three people to be in our cabin and we could get all three or just one or two. We had schnitzels and the second night we had spaghetti bolognese. They also provided lunch and afternoon snacks and morning tea and dessert. We had a toilet in a room and a shower and bunk beds. In our free time we could play on the trampoline and some other activities. We made our own red faces that were dances of our talent and got to make damper with billie tea. Thanks to all the teachers and Dads that helped out they put a lot of effort into camp.
By Shaylee Firebrace -Kerr
On the 28th October, the Year 5 students, teachers and some Dads took an adventurous journey to Creswick’s Log Cabin cabin camp.
On camp, we tried and enjoyed many activities and had a lovely time. Everyone that was brave enough took a daring leap of faith off the 40 metre jump. Many tried to touch or kick the orange ball that remained suspended in the air the entire time.
We also enjoyed many other activities like canoeing, orienteering and the giant swing.
We are very grateful for the amazing parents and teachers that organised this amazing experience for us.
By Emma McKenzie.
Colour Run & Grandparents Day
MacKillop Art Exhibition