P&F News 

Volunteers Needed, Christmas Event, Baked Goods Call-Out 

Our Christmas event to celebrate our school community is fast approaching and we are looking for enthusiastic members of our school community to give us just 30 minutes of time to man one of our stalls, or assist with fun Christmas-themed activities.


Bring a friend and make an afternoon of it. Meet other families and help build strong community connections. 


Many hands make light work, so below are the areas we require assistance.


Just let Lara know where you’d like to help and a ‘roster’ will be emailed the day before. lknight@skbendigo.catholic.edu.au 

Any time you could spare would be greatly appreciated.


Food and Drink


Cold Drinks 

Baked Goods 




Christmas ornament decorating

Face painting/tattoos

DIY wrapping paper 

Shortbread decorating 






Sometime next week, the eldest child in your family will be receiving a paper plate and plastic bag in the hope that families could find a small window of time to whip up a sweet treat or savoury slice to contribute to our baked goods stall. 


It could be grandma's traditional recipe or something 'swicy' (sweet and savoury).

These will need to be presented to the school office no later than 2pm Friday 29 November. A sticker will be provided to note ingredients.

Thank you all in advance 


Treats for Christmas, or after school snack ideas:


Anzac biscuits

Fruit Muffins

Banana Bread (sold by slice or whole)

Mars Bar slice 

Honey Joys 

Chocolate Crackles 

Rum Balls