Business Assistant - Financial

Further to correspondence sent to families of current Year 9 students, please note that in line with the 2024 Fees and Levies Information Pack, all 7 laptop instalments of the laptop program are required to be paid in full by 11th December 2024. With the conclusion of the program this year, Year 9 families have the option of paying the $10 buyout fee and taking possession of the laptop on the proviso that all laptop instalments and the $10 buyout fee have been paid and a commitment to clearing any outstanding fees is made prior to Wednesday 11th December 2024.
Laptop instalment 6 was due 1st September and Laptop 7 was originally due next year but has been brought forward to this year to accommodate the changes to the laptop program moving to a three-year cycle. If you have paid up to and including the 6th instalment, then the buy-out amount will be $230 (Laptop Instalment 7) + $10 laptop buy-out. If you have not paid the 6th Instalment, then the buy-out amount will be $460 (Laptop Instalments 6 & 7) +$10 buy-out), and so on. The slip provided to families needs to be completed and returned to College asap whether you wish to keep or do not wish to keep the laptop.
The laptop remains the property of the College until a buy-out arrangement is completed and a purchase payment is made.
Please note that laptops will be fully erased and restored to factory settings. Bundled software including Microsoft Office, Adobe CS4, Garageband and iMovie are not included due to licensing agreements and will be removed from the laptop prior to collection. Students will need to save any files they wish to retain prior to returning the laptop.
The laptop will be required to be handed in at the College office by the end of the day on Thursday, 5th December 2024. Laptops are to be returned on this day whether you are or are not purchasing the laptop. Upon receipt of payment the laptop will be available for collection at the time of new laptop rollout taking place on Friday 13th December 2024. Please contact Felicity Melville or Kristy Woods at the College office on 5792 2611, if you have any questions or need to make payment arrangements.
As per correspondence provided to families of 2025 Year 10 students, the 2025 Year 10 laptop roll-out will take place on Friday, 13th December 2024 between 1.30pm and 4.00pm from Room 19. The first instalment of $220 is due prior to or on the day of collection. Our preferred method of payment is by electronic funds transfer (EFT). If you wish to pay by EFT, payment must be received in the College bank account by Wednesday, 11 December 2024, but may be made any time prior to this from today.
The laptop agreement for the Year 10 Laptop Program and an ICT Acceptable Use Agreement must be signed by the student and one parent and handed in on the day of the laptop collection. The documents were provided to families via email. The laptop will not be issued without payment, the signed laptop agreement and signed ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank those that have paid their fees in full or by the due dates.
Please note: If you are paying your fees on a Direct Debit basis your outstanding fees should have been completely paid by 1 st October. If your direct debit did not clear your outstanding fees by 1st October, a bulk payment is now required to have your account up to date. Should you be experiencing hardship, please contact me to make an appointment with our College Accountant to discuss further, to organise a payment plan.
The College bank account details are:
Account name: St Mary’s College General Account
BSB: 083 347
A/C No: 839 989 790
Please remember to use your statement account number and surname as the payment reference when paying via EFT....
Kristy Woods