Primary Year 3-6

Dear Families
As we draw closer to the end of the school year, we wanted to share with you some activities our Year 3-6 students have been engaged in over the past fortnight, as well as some important dates for the last two weeks. The children have continued to work hard, look out for each other and manage all the additional activities that come at this time of the year.
Year 6 students have worked with Mrs Grant, Mrs Brock, Mrs Holt and Kate Gilham on a fanstact project over the past term’
Here is the report from Mrs Holt.... the Year 6 students were invited to the Zoo on Friday 15th of November to present their "Interview with an Endangered Animal" project. The ten students who attended represented their classes work and St. Mary's with pride. The students presented their written and illustrated interviews with a chosen animal from the Threatened Species List, some eye catching artwork with their animal and the threat that endangers them, and a stop motion animation filmed with gorgeous little representations of their animal.
Their work was extremely well received by Zoo staff, MACS staff, teachers from other schools and students visiting from all around our local area. Some teachers even took photos of the work to inspire their future projects! It was a pleasure to take such enthusiastic, responsible and hard working young people on this adventure. Special thanks to Anthony Watson and Lachie King for accompanying us.
Congratulations to all of our PBL and award winners last week. Everyone is working so hard over these past few weeks, it is always so difficult to choose the award winners.
Well done to all of the PBL and Student of the Week recipients as well as all the special award winners
PBL awards and Student of the Week, showcasing students striving for excellence and working to the best of their ability
▪️Art awards for creativity and imagination
▪️State Athletics - Ella D’Andrea receiving her jumper for participating at the State Athletics as she was absent at the previous assembly
▪️Congratulations to Logan Jack who won the Tilba Tilba District 2024 Kub Kars Competition last week. Well done Logan!!!!
▪️Australian Maths Competition - more award winners from Years 3-6
▪️ Special commendations to Yenuli Dissanayake ( Yr 5 ) and Sullivan Clydesdale Yr 6 who both achieved Distinctions in the Australian Mathematics Competition Sullivan received The Best in School Award. Congratulations to Sullivan and Yenuli - what an achievement !!
▪️Grace Ellis - Congratulations to Grace who completed and received the Rotary Junior Community Award last week. Grace has worked hard all year to complete a wide variety of tasks and challenges to receive this award. Well done Grace!!!
▪️Maci Tennant , Kai Raynor , Willow Bradshaw, Jack Lomax and Lexi Purcell - some of our amazing swimmers who are competing regularly at competitions across Victoria and achieving great results !! Well done to all
▪️Alex Gacelos (Yr. 4) for fantastic results at his karate class last week - great work Alex!!
Congratulations to all!
💠 Melbourne Football Club Visit
What a great way to start the week on Monday the 25th with a visit from the Melbourne Football Club. They have just commenced their pre-season training and were visiting the area this week. We had seven players come and speak to Years F-6 and sign autographs and memorabilia.
Thank you to Melbourne Football Club for giving their time - we loved it!
💠 Literacy News
Year 4 had a great morning reading their Magic Dragon stories to our Foundation students. Thanks for having us Foundation A and Foundation B
💠Community Events
We have two very special community events coming up in the next week. Our Primary Band and Choir will be representing St Mary’s and we are vey proud of them!
On Sunday 1st December, Mr Dudfield lead the Primary Band at the lighting of the town Christmas Tree in Yea. The Band was invited to play in Yea and we are very proud that they received this invitation.
Then on Sunday 8th December, Mrs Cheritton will lead our choir at the Seymour Lions Community Carols at Goulburn Park. This is a wonderful annual event and St Mary’s has been involved for many years. We hope you can join us for the carols and good luck to our Choir.
💠 Year 6 Celebration Assembly
All families are invited to the Year 6 celebration assembly to be held on WEDNESDAY 11th DECEMBER at 12.15pm. This is a chance for us to congratulate our Year 6 students on a fabulous year as well as our Foundation students who will receive a special certificate. We hope you can join us. (Year 6 families will then join their child for a special lunch).
💠Yr 4 Reptile Encounters Incursion
Did you notice the visitors we had in the Year 4 classroom last week ? Lizards, cockatoos, frogs and stick insects- even a woylie- a brush tailed bettong which is on the critically endangered list.
What a fabulous incursion for the Year 4’s ! They discovered so much about life cycles of different Australian animals and loved meeting the animals.
Thank you to Scout from Reptile Encounters for a great incursion.
💠Upcoming Events
It's going to be a very busy last few weeks. Please keep these dates in mind and also keep an eye on the FB page for reminders.
+ Monday 2nd December... Activities with Years 7-9
+ Thursday 5th December... Whole College End of Year Liturgy 9am
+ Friday 6th December... College Awards Presentation 10am
+ Monday 9th December... Primary Christmas Concert
+ Tuesday 10th December... Statewide Orientation Day
+ Wednesday 11th December... Yr 6 celebration assembly 12.15pm
+ Friday 13th December... Final Day of School for Primary Students 3.15pm finish
+ Friday 20th December ... Final day for Staff
Have a great week ahead and thank you again to all of our families for your continued support.
Catherine Evans