VCE Vocational Major

Remote Op Shop Project
Congratulations to the Year 11 VCE VM class of 2024 on their packaging and sending of ten 5 kg post bags to The Remote Op Shop Project. The students will bag and send another lot of packages in the next week.
Again, thank you to the college community for your donations, we know they will be greatly appreciated by those who receive them.
Work Experience
Well done to all the Year 11 VCE VM and Year 10 Ignite students who completed a block of work experience from 11th - 15th November. We had many students trying out work in new skill areas with great success and new career interests sparked.
We would like to say a huge thank you to all the businesses that supported our students through this round of work experience:-
▪️Gnarly Neighbours
▪️The Brewer's Table
▪️Seymour Tyre and Mechanical
▪️Tallarook Engineering
▪️Tarcombe Herefords
▪️Permanent Structure
▪️Goulburn Options
▪️The Winery Kitchen
We greatly appreciate the time you give to ensure our students have the ability to achieve.
Welcome to Year 11 VCE VM class of 2025
Last week saw the start of the Headstart program for the Year 10 students. With the Year 11’s moving into Year 12 in their own Headstart program last week we can now proudly say we have a Year 11 and 12 VCE Vocational Major class.
The Year 12 students have settled well into their last year, following the same structure with the new demands of Year 12 VCE. We would like to thank the Year 11 students for their start to VCE VM. You have all shown a commitment to the program so far and we look forward to working with you all in 2025.
We would also like to welcome Mrs. Vicki Hinks and Ms. Shona Maskelyne to the VCE VM teaching team in 2025. The Year 11 and 12 VCE VM classes joined in for a period for the Year 12’s to share their experiences of the program with the year 11 students and to undertake some getting to know you’ activities.
Amanda Hard, Melissa Wood