Inquiry Centre


Selamat Siang,


What an amazing time we had at the Year Two Sleepover on Friday night! The staff were blown away by the amazing independence, kindness and responsibility shown by our marvellous grade twos! 

This week we have been learning all about volume and capacity in Maths. Students have been exploring different sized containers and filling them with water and classroom materials to see which has the largest capacity! We also had so much fun at the World of Maths Incursion in the hall! We learnt so much and loved partaking in all the hands on mathematics activities. 


Students have also been doing research on a topic of interest to write their own Information reports over the next few weeks. Ask your child which topic they have chosen? They might even like to share some "fun facts". 

Have a wonderful week!

Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.

Student Voice -

The best part of the Year Two Sleepover was:

  • "It was really exciting sleeping at school." - Kiaan L 
  • "I really liked the sausages!" - Vienay S
  • "The sausages were delicious." - Isaac M
  • "The activities and the food were amazing!" - Kiara S 
  • "I enjoyed the movie and sausages." - Claire G


  • Hats and drink bottles! Please make sure you child brings a hat and drink bottle to each that is clearly labelled! 
  • Please visit lost property for any missing jackets, vests or other items.

Pupil of the Week

1/2A - Claire G 

For demonstrating a love of learning when researching and drafting your information report this week. You summarised the information into your own words and found lots of interesting facts.  


1/2M - Jerome T 

For consistently demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance during lessons. It is excellent to always see you taking on new challenges and giving them your all. 


1/2S - Maisie V

For showing respect and a love of learning when playing games maths this week. You were a team player and made sure everybody had a fair go. 


1/2KS - Grace M 

For displaying a love of learning in everything you do. You listen to feedback and consistently strive to do your best. 


1/2E - Jonah A 

For demonstrating a love of learning and persevering at our World of Maths Incursion! You were engaged and used your critical thinking skills to solve Maths problems!