Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang,


Another busy week in Term 4! This week, the Leadership Centre began developing their bike-riding skills, navigating through various obstacles and learning about bike safety. They focused on checking their helmets and bikes, as well as identifying potential hazards that could arise while riding.


Additionally, the Year 5/6 students took part in the World of Maths incursion, where they used their problem-solving skills, tackling challenging maths problems. It was fantastic to see students collaborating in their groups, building and using their communication skills to work through problems and find solutions together.


Furthermore, the Leadership Centre students continued their Guided Inquiry project, where they are designing an inclusive product. Using Tinkercad, they’ve been building digital models of their products and are now focusing on how to market and create advertisements for their designs.


Hope you all have a great week ahead! 

The 5/6 Leadership Team

Attention Year 6 Families - Baby Photos for Graduation

We are looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year, with preparations already underway!

One of our beloved traditions is sharing three baby photos from between the ages of 0-5 as part of the presentation. We are asking if you could please email gradesixgraduation@gmail.com with these three photos by November 29th. We usually recommend one baby photo, one as a toddler and one around kinder age but any family favourites will be great! Also, if your child attended another school prior to MPRPS and you have their school photo, it would also be much appreciated if you could send those though.

We will send reminder emails over the coming weeks, but we like to get an early start as it takes a while to collate everything! Thank you so much for your support.


  • SunSmart - hats MUST be worn every day, please ensure your child has a hat clearly label with their name.
  • Please keep an eye out on Sentral, as there will be information coming out for year 6 graduation.
  • 5/6 Bike Ed - please check your class schedules

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Arin J

For demonstrating perseverance and curiosity when solving the challenging problems during World of Maths.


5/6S - Jude G

For demonstrating zest and a love of learning in Literature Circles and transferring your skills learned when reading other texts.


5/6FL - Nicha C

For demonstrating a love of learning and teamwork when solving challenging problems during World of Maths.


5/6E - Louis D

For demonstrating a love of learning and perseverance when solving algebra problems. 


5/6N - Charlotte Z

For demonstrating kindness when encouraging and supporting others from your class during Bike Education!