Relieving Principal's Report  

Ms Maturana   

Dear Parents/Carers,


Dear Parents/ Carers,

As we prepare for the final weeks of Term 4, teachers have been busy writing Semester 2 student reports. It has been a pleasure reading student achievements and future directions for their learning. Reports will be going home in Week 9. 

Please check the calendar on School Bytes for upcoming events. 

Congratulations to Mrs Fedele who has been successful through our school Expression of Interest process of obtaining the Fairvale PS Relieving Deputy Principal position for 2025. Mrs Fedele is a compassionate and knowledgeable member of the school executive team, who will continue to support students, teachers and parents in her new role. I will now begin the process of recruiting a Relieving Assistant Principal. 


Congratulations to the following staff members who were recipients of the 2024 Fairfield Network Excellence Awards:

Beginning Teacher Award- Diana Yousif 

Teacher Award- Elena La Robina 

School Executive Award- Joanne Fedele 

SASS Award- Sue Franso 

Community Member Award- Rosa Carlino.  

Mr Pitt and I were extremely proud to see all these staff members acknowledged for their contributions to Fairvale Public School.

Classroom visits:

I have continued to ‘dance’ my way into classrooms in the past fortnight. My visits to KH and KS, allowed me to see the wonderful work students have been doing with their writing. Students were constructing full sentences with capital letters and full stops. 

4/5B were engaging in a Mathematics lesson and could confidently discuss place value using the correct terminology. This included whole numbers and decimals. 

2F showed me the importance of planning their writing, as they used these scaffolds to independently construct imaginative texts. 1B students were engaging in literacy centre tasks and I had the opportunity to hear students read with fluency and expression. 1S taught me the importance of being healthy and explained with confidence foods and activities that will keep me growing strong. 

Lastly, I was blown away by 5S, 5Z and 6K comprehension skills. Students have been engaging with various literary texts and were able to explain with great detail literary features, key events and make connections to personal experiences. It was wonderful to see students excited about reading! I will definitely be reading August and Jones by Pip Harry. 

Yesterday, our First Nations students had the opportunity to attend Koori Day at Westfield Sports High School organised by Fairfield Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group  (AECG). Students were involved in various activities focused on language, history and cultural practices. Thank you Mrs Benjamin and Mrs Yousif for organising this for our students. 


School Bytes: In 2025, we will begin the process of transitioning all school payments, information ( e.g. school notes) and reports to be processed and publised through School Bytes. This is an easy and effective app, that allows parents to respond or pay at your convenience. A bonus feature is that it allows information to be translated in your preferred language. We will provide more information in the coming year but we ask that if you are not connected to School Bytes to come to the office or speak to our Community Liaison Officers- Mrs Samira or Mrs Michelle and they can assist. 

Canteen: Mrs Rosa from the canteen has asked students to bring in their lunch orders for Fair Day. Fair Day in next Wednesday 27 November 2024. Looking forward to the FUN!


Pia Maturana 

Relieving Principal


I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.