Principal Report

Mr. Lehane

Graduation and End of Year Celebration

Date:Wednesday 4th December

Location:  Bridgewater on Loddon Memorial Hall. 

Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm followed by Supper


This event is not only our Graduation Ceremony for Gus and Bruce but also our Official end of Year Christmas Celebration. We hope all families can join us on the night. 



River Swimming Program: Building Water Confidence in the Loddon River

Our first week of River Swimming has been a huge success! Students have grown in confidence and competency in the water over the first three days and I can't wait to see how far they come with another 4 sessions. 


Our River Swimming program is important as not only does it teach students important swimming skills but also the essential knowledge to swim safely in open water.




Discovery Centre Excursion

Today permission slips went onto uEducateUs for our Discovery Centre excursion on Friday 6th December. 

Please see Mr. Lehane if you have trouble accessing uEducateUs and he will print a hard copy permission note. 

Foundation Transition

Today was our final half day transition. Our 2025 Foundation students will return on December 10th for a full day as part of the statewide Orientation Day. 


Zooper Doopers 

Junior School Council will be selling Zooper Doopers for 50c at lunch times starting from next week. 

Happy Birthday Bruce


Scholastic Book Club catalogue was sent home with students last week, could orders please be placed through Loop or returned to the school office by Wednesday 4th December.

Thankyou Jo Egan