Principals' Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


It's hard to believe it's Week 8, Term 4!  It only feels like yesterday that we commenced 2024 and now the countdown is on. The last few weeks are action-packed as we celebrate our marvellous achievements with our school community. 


Yesterday marked the beginning of Advent, the first season of the Church's liturgical year. It is a four week period of prayer and preparation as we look forward to celebrating the coming of Jesus at Christmas.  At the Saturday evening vigil, the St Patrick's Parish community welcomed our local Timor Leste members who joined us to celebrate the anniversary of their country's freedom from Portuguese rule in 1975.  It is customary for many to attend masses at cathedrals and churches on the eve of Independence Day, and our local Timorese celebrated this tradition by singing all the hymns at the mass.  The church was bursting at the seams and the singing of the Timorese choir was magnificent.  


A Family Advent Prayer

God of Love,

Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.

He is a sign of your love.

Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent,

As we wait and prepare for his coming.

We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior.


Year 5 Leadership Speeches

Tomorrow, our Year 5 students will present speeches to our school community outlining their leadership capabilities for St Joseph's in 2025. This is a great opportunity for these children in our school, as they will be delivering their speeches in front of our entire school community as well as teachers, parents and friends. This event provides a chance for students to think about what makes a good leader not just in words but through actions as well, and how they can represent St Joseph's in a dignified manner at all times.


We wish our Year 5 students all the best in their leadership aspirations for 2025.

Year 6 Graduation Mass

The Graduation Mass will be at 9am on Friday 13th December.  This is a special celebration when we come together as a faith community to acknowledge and celebrate our departing Year 6 students.


The Mass will be a wonderful occasion and highlight the many and varied talents and achievements of a truly great group of young men and women as they take another step in their life journey. 


Unfortunately Fr Sabu is unable to celebrate the Graduation Mass for us, however, we welcome Fr Deleep Antony from St Patrick's in Warialda who will lead this special celebration.


Enjoy the week ahead!


Maree Holland & Greg O'Toole




St Joseph's School - a Faith Filled Community Where Learning Matters