Around the Classrooms



Last term the 1/2 students had a great time learning to code using Bluebots.  They did an amazing job coding their robots in the Digitech Olympics! Each child nominated their own country to represent (anything but Australia) and students received points for that country for persistence and resilience with their Bluebots, showing respectful behaviours and also coming a place in the races.  The students “competed” in 100m freestyle, getting their Bluebots up and back using the turning functions, and also in the 100m backstroke.  They also managed to code their devices creatively to compete in Dressage, and also in time with another student, to mimic the Artistic Swimming.  The final results were China and Argentina equal first, South Korea and Indonesia equal second and the UK third.  All children, however, won in the end because they were demonstrating their understanding of both creative and constructive coding, including turning at 45 degree angles.

This term the preps have been learning about coding by creating a code for their own dance moves! We had a great dance party where they showed their coding skills by teaching others their dances.  We’ve now moved on to using Bluebots, and the students have been learning about the codes forward, backwards, turn right and turn left. They used the coding buttons on the Bluebots initially but lately have progressed to coding using directions on the Ipads and will this week be trialling a new coding program called Lightbot!


Last term, some of our 5/6 students were very lucky to attend Monash University’s Robogals workshop program.  Students got a taste of what environmental engineers’ study, and also some advanced coding, including a Lego Spike gladiator war!  All students represented the school extremely well, being respectful and grateful to the Monash University hosts, and the feedback was very positive, the Spike activity was the most popular.  Special thanks to the parents who assisted on the day, it would not have been possible without you.


Mrs Emma Cooper

Performing Arts Teacher & Digital Technologies Leader