Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- George - For engaging with others in the playground.
- Amy- For being attentive while doing her work
Room 2
- Pranav for using his device to request food and water.
- Rameen for requesting the break room when she needs a break.
Room 3
- Riyansha for selecting the correct coins and using her words to purchase items from our class play-shop.
- Armando for enthusiastically joining in singing and dancing in the classroom.
Room 4
- Vaiga has been showing her amazing dancing skills and loves to participate in group activities. What a star you are, Vaiga! Keep up the great work, Vaiga!
- Logan has been showing great skills on telling the time on a clock. What a star you are, Logan! Keep up the great work, Logan!
Room 5
- Room 5's Star of the Week is Aarjav for working hard on fair share in maths.
Room 6
- Benjamin for making friends in the playground and being a good friend.
Room 7
- Miggy has demonstrated incredible progress and bravery. What a star you are, Miggy!
Room 8
- Aras for using his AAC to greet staff members
- Mason for completing his Maths activities
Room 9
- Joyce for her increasing play skills and ability to sit and participate in activities
- Oliver for his increasing play skills, always trying to include others and looking after himself at school