Religious Education

Advent @ St Finbar's
Advent is a special time in the Church's calendar when we prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas. It marks the beginning of the liturgical year and is a season of hope, peace, joy, and love. During Advent, we focus on waiting patiently and prayerfully for the coming of Christ.
To celebrate this meaningful season, we will be holding Advent liturgies in the Church every Thursday at 2:30 pm in the lead-up to Christmas. These liturgies will help us reflect on the themes of Advent and grow closer to God as a community.
Following each liturgy, students will engage in classroom activities that continue the spirit of Advent, helping them explore its themes through creative and reflective tasks.
We warmly invite families to join us for these special moments as we journey together through this sacred time of preparation and anticipation.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday 1st December
Gospel Reading
Luke 21:25-28,34-36
Jesus teaches his disciples to be vigilant so that they will be ready when the Son of Man comes in glory.
Family Connection
In today's Gospel, Jesus warns his disciples against the fatigue that can emerge if one becomes consumed by the anxieties of daily life. Many families are too familiar with the kind of fatigue Jesus refers to here. We may be concerned about a family member's health, our job security, our children's education, or any number of other concerns. All these are important matters. Jesus does not promise an end to daily worries and fears, but he does teach his disciples that they will have the strength to withstand anxiety if they stay focused on him, remaining vigilant for his return and praying for strength to endure all tribulations. Through prayer, God helps us stay focused on that which is most important in our lives.
As you gather as a family, recall the tradition of making New Year's resolutions in preparation for the new calendar year. Observe that today is the first Sunday of Advent, which is the beginning of the new Church year. During the season of Advent, our Gospel readings ask us to consider what is most important to us as we prepare for Jesus' coming, at his birth and at the end of time. Read today's Gospel, Luke 21:25-28,34-36. Jesus describes signs that may disturb many people, but he says that these should not to disturb his disciples. Why? (because these signs indicate that redemption is near) What does Jesus say that his disciples should do? (Be vigilant and pray for strength.) At this start of the new Church year, consider as a family what “Advent resolutions” your family might make to help you stay focused so that you will be prepared to receive the salvation we celebrate at Jesus' birth and anticipate at Jesus' second coming.
Pray together for God's help in following through on these resolutions. Pray together today's psalm, Psalm 25.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader