Secondary News

21/5Whole School Worship Service
21/5SIS Cross Country
29/5Madagascar Production 6:30pm
30/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm
31/5Madagascar Production 7:30pm
3/6Years 9-11 Mid Year Exams Start
7/6Student-Free Day (Report Writing)
10/6King's Birthday Public Holiday
11/6VCE VCAA GAT Units 3&4
20/6Free Dress Day & Community Market
24/6Year 9 Service Week 
24/6Year 10 Work Experience Week 
28/6Last Day of Term 2

Seasons in Life

Over the last few weeks, I have had several conversations with parents, students or staff where a common thread began to emerge - the many different ‘seasons in life’ we all face. I’d like to share some thoughts I have on this topic with the wider Bayside community, as I feel it’s timely for us all in our current season of exciting change at the College.


In the Kumnick household, the phrase above is often referred to and explained within our current context with our two children. My wife and I are especially mindful of the significance of this family discussion when we feel a season in our lives is coming to an end and another emerging. We find it helps to keep us centred, calm, and reminds us of the importance of seeking God to ask that he reveal his next plan for our future. Sometimes the answer takes a while and demands patience from each of us, which is humbling. 


Everything in life is temporary. The seasons of the year are a good example of this. Seasons teach us that the one constant in life is change and that we need to adapt to our current climate or be left ‘exposed’. It’s important to note here that God, his word and our souls are the exception to this rule. In the Bible, Hebrews 13:8 states that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”


As Australian’s, we have had many recent and rapidly changing seasons of life depending on where we live; drought, bushfires, floods, inflation and the rising cost of living just to name a few. The significance and impacts of these seasons cannot be underestimated and due to their uncertainty and devastation, it’s normal for us to question and wonder why is this all happening? Unfortunately, we don’t know the answers; however, God does. In Acts 1:7 it says; He (Jesus) said to them (his disciples), “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. 


“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens...” Ecclesiastes 3:1


Here in the book of Ecclesiastes, it provides us with examples of seasons we'll face in life. I encourage you to read this whole chapter for greater context. What I take from this reading is that experiencing good and bad times in our lives is normal and to be expected. Change should come as no surprise. It’s how we deal with change that matters most. I often use a surfing analogy when trying to explain this concept to my children. We will experience the good times, riding the wave, but we will also experience the bad times, being dumped by the wave. The unpredictable nature of this sport is what makes it attractive to so many people. You see, depending on how you look at it, change isn’t always a bad thing to experience and endure. We could miss the ‘perfect wave’ opportunities in life if we don’t embrace change. God promises to be with us in every season of our life. He is only a conversation away. When facing the unknown, we can trust that He is in control and looking after us and our best interests. 


Sometimes in life it is impossible to avoid hardships (pain). Often, we spend much of our time trying to eliminate it as it’s uncomfortable. However, some pain is worth it to enable growth. The Bible often refers to life’s hardships we endure as ‘tribulation’. “These things I have spoken to you, in me you have peace. In the world you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33


When one season finishes, a new season begins. I truly believe that there are exciting times ahead for the College, already we are seeing green shoots everywhere. In 2024 we started with three Year 7 classes. Based on our recent Open Day interest for Secondary, three streams for Year 7 in 2025 is a real possibility. We praise God for bringing so many high calibre future students to the Bayside community.     


I encourage us to take some time to remember the good plans that God has for us and the future of Bayside Christian College. I believe that by having this focus, it will help create in our school community a firm foundation that never sways in the face of change and all of life’s seasons – good or bad. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28


Finally, I’d like to leave you with a short poem by Laura Fuller;


‘The seasons of our lives come and go, no order it seems.

Spring the smile of health and life,

Fall an upward climb to beauty,

Winter the barren moments of strife,

Summer the heat of stress so sultry.

A season be long or short,

Must come and go

So we can live and grow.’ 


I hope that you have found some encouragement by reading this and are looking forward to seeing how, with God's help, our school continues to be shaped and progressed.


God Bless,

James Kumnick, Head of Secondary

Push Up Challenge

Over the course of Term 1, I had some meetings with this year's student representatives and there are some truly amazing things in the works for the challenge in 2024 (including Nandos sponsoring us and donating 10 X $100 vouchers for prizes!). 


This year the challenge involves doing 3,249 push-ups (or variations, by yourself or in a group) from the 5th to 28th of June (last few weeks of Term 2). 



If you are interested in participating please follow the instructions below: 

  1. Using the link above, register as an "individual"
  2. When it asks which "team" you wish to join, search and select "Bayside Christian College Staff 2024" (there will also be a "Students, Friends & Family" team the student reps are making)
  3. When it asks which "community" you wish to join, search and join the "Bayside Christian College - Community" community group

Mr Josh Goschnick

Food Tech News

Junior Secondary students have been busy in the kitchen this week with lots of cooking happening. Year 7 student made sausage rolls which were on offer at open day made by volunteer students, Year 8’s created bruschetta for a lunch dish following a breakfast dish of French toast last week, and the Years 9/10 students all completed individual cooks of a recipe they chose based upon European cuisine. - Mrs Laura Klan

Year 10 Science

In Year 10 Science, students are studying genetics. We have been learning about DNA, and last week, students successfully extracted DNA from strawberries. After extracting the DNA, they were able to look at the long thin DNA strands under the microscope. - Mrs Kerry Davies

7OES1 Rock Climbing

The Year 7 OES class had an amazing time at Bayside Rock. They spent time enjoying Top Rope Climbing, using the Auto Belays, venturing through the tunnel systems and testing their balance on the slackline. - Mr James Siede

Year 11 VM trip to Moonlit Sanctuary

The Year 11 VM students had a recent working session at the Moonlit Sanctuary where we worked on helping the Wallaby Walk animals by removing dead and fallen branches and small trees. The students did a brilliant job in spectacular surrounds and really blessed the team from Moonlit. Piper and Sarah also worked in the Café where they learned how to make a range of baked goods, which were later sold to the public. - Mr Ken Berry

Top Arts and Top Design

On Tuesday 23 April, the VCE Art, Media and Visual Communication Design students travelled into the city to see the Top Arts and Top Designs exhibition. These exhibitions showcase some of the top VCE student work in the state from 2023. It was a fantastic opportunity for students to get inspiration for their own folios and we look forward to seeing their creative projects over the course of the year. - Mr Chay Williamson

SIS Swimming Carnival 2024

Congratulations to all the students that represented Bayside at this year’s SIS swimming carnival. There were some fantastic individual and team efforts. As a school we finished 4th, just 10 points behind third. Well done to all involved.  - Mr Peter Zwiersen